I had a good workout today on the woodpile. It was finally cool enough to do some outside work. The sheds are on their way to full capacity Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You better get that stuff in the shed with the forecast for over there or it might float away. This rain is sickening all over the place!
Nice pile o wood! You get a lot of satisfaction viewing a heap like that and then even more when stacked!
I’ve got 3 sheds with big piles of wood in front of them. I love cutting, and splitting, but I HATE stacking! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thats like grilling a nice steak..enjoying the fine aroma...putting it on a plate..cutting off a piece...putting it in your mouth....chewing. ...enjoying....then spitting it out without swallowing it. Ya should be enjoying the whole experience.
I am with you there my Friend. That is one reason I get so much satisfaction when it's all done and stacked!
I would equate the serving and eating with laying the fire then enjoying the heat. Stacking is more like ....well...cleaning the grill! Maybe not the most exact analogy but you get my drift. Its part of the experience, it has to be done, its an onerous task and you are glad when its over!
Oak and a bit of hickory. The wood got wet from the rain, maybe that’s why it looks like something else. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk