Coastal has a North Idaho Energy Logs sale. Great deal. I actually bought a 240 count pallet last year and still burn them. But I'm loaded with natural splits and I still have over a 100+. I don't need anymore. But I think they are great value. Burns as hot as anything and it's cleaner too. Anybody else burn these? The individual price per log when buying the pallet is like $0.91.
It's 28%. Not bad. Those things never go on sale and they are considered probably one of if not the best energy logs around PNW. I typically buy in bulk and that's $50. But I hear(read?) what you are saying.
They claim a pallet is equal to 1.5 to 2 cords of firewood, but not what kind of firewood. If one log is 68,000 BTU, then the pallet is 16,320,000 BTU. One cord of eastern white pine is approx 13,000,000 BTU . So in equivalencies a pallet of logs is worth a bit over a cord of eastern white pine, maybe 1.25 or so but equiv to only about 3/4 cord of oak at 22,000,000BTU. That pretty much was my experience burning just a handfull of them, they burned like white pine. Kinda pricy white pine. Hot and fast like white pine. But certainly a solution if you have no wood left in Feb or March or all you have left is not seasoned well enough and not burning well. Or whatever. When I tried them you had to drive all the way up to Fitchburg someplace to a warehouse with a rail siding because that's how they got them shipped. When they had them they had them, when they were gone they were closed. You could only buy pallets, no onesies. Personally I'd rather have logs than bricks but I haven't burned enough of either to have a preference.