For anyone interested in the elk: Keep in mind that elk are deer. You will see some in the morning (if its not foggy!) and many in the evening (1-2 hours before dark, and after dark with a light). Plan your trip accordingly. If you're just passing through during the day, you'll likely not see anything, but if you plan a one night stay-over you could go out viewing in the evening and again in the morning some evenings we've seen 50 or more and we've seen these 2
Yeah, when I walked out it was on a nice sunny day, the wind get's to kicking, I'm headed back for solid ground. After all, most of it fell ya know, due to some wind. It is a spectacular view though, and maybe if there's any leaves left on the trees after the storm we got tonight, it might be a nice fall picture. Hey Jack Straw what route you taking?
It's a bit out of the way but if you have the time swing by Clearfield to check out Denny's Beer Barrel Pub and try to eat a 2 pound burger.
That place is awesome.. and if you are into firearm....check out Grices Gun Shop....largest in PA....
Same on our side. We were set to get out to Backwoods Savage for his GTG, but she had what they call a "COPD flare", and couldn't get her breath. She was hospitalized for a few days, and now requires O2, she was leary of traveling. We've addressed what we can, and she's more confident with things, as much as is possible. Looking forward, not backward.
I'm looking forward to meeting all of you as well. Is there a food list started? We've got some ideas, just want to get an idea if what's already spoken for.