Well life has gotten extremely hectic for me lately and haven't been on the forum in a while. Anyways my stacks are looking decent and I am ahead slightly. Anyways a co worker was talking about paying to have someone drop some trees for him. I spoke up and said don't pay someone when I can come do it for free. Long story short I get there and it seemed like a simple drop of 3 trees. Close to the fence with his neighbor and a shed but nothing looked to tough. I had a rope up near the top hooked to a small riding tractor and I proceeded to make my cuts. Well things went South and I ended up smashing his shed. I feel horrible and can't believe it happened. I believe I didn't have enough tension on the rope and there was a vine wrapped in the adjoining tree I failed to see. Worst thing is he has a camera and it caught it all. His wife called from work asking why we screwed it up after she saw the video on her phone. Stay safe out there and hopefully nobody screws up as bad as I did. Here is the video Ring #AlwaysHome
Oh boy. Like I said in the other thread....that is EXACTLY why I wont drop a tree near anything breakable. I've had too many "dead straight forward" trees go somewhere they never should have gone....but did. My last time out, I had a big spruce with four wedges rammed in the back of it break the hinge, spun almost 90 degrees right on the stump, and land up against another tree. Nope...some trees seem to have a mind of their own, and I seem to get more than my fair share. At least out in the bush, when it all goes upside down in the ditch, I can just walk away. So...how much is the new shed going to cost ?
Bummer. On the bright side you manned up and admitted your mistake. Sometimes things just don’t work the way we think they will.
Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug. Hope you learned something to be applied the next time. At least nobody got hurt, aside from your pride.
Yeah it definitely sucks screwing up like that. My co worker was so calm and cool about it. It really didn't damage to much in his shed, but I still feel like crap about it. This is the first time I have ever hit anything and it sucks that's for sure. I definitely learned from it and hope to never repeat it. I know I won't live this down at work for a veeeerrrryyyy long time.
I'm no pro but from what I can tell, you cut too far through your hinge wood? I give you credit for posting a mistake like this for sure though!
That's one way to keep any other neighbors from asking for free tree work. Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm all seriousness, good on ya for helping a neighbor even if it went south. New shed is no problem compared to a new human. chit happens, we learn, we go on. Some trees just have a mind of their own, No matter how many precautions we take. No one was hurt, and I bet you bond even stronger with your neighbors after all is said and done. It takes a big man to admit a mistake.
That sucks, but you were man enough to own it. Watching the video, seems the lean was favoring the shed some. I'm betting if you'd have pulled more in line with the angled part of the deck (counter to the lean) and cut your face notch to match that angle, you'd have been alright. At any rate, the damage doesn't look too awful bad, but I'm sure you're gonna be eating crow at work for a while.....
Also on the plus side the wood was up off the ground making for easy cutting into pieces.. I agree at times things go so smooth and then Bam we get that WTF moment.
Good on ya for owning your mistake! Fortunately no one was hurt. Your lucky that sucker didn't kick back and kill you! We've all made mistakes and it sucks. Especially when its someone else's property. Having professionally dropped trees with tight drop zones, I think you misjudged the lean and experienced hinge failure. A couple other things worked against you though. You mentioned a vine and I also don't think you had enough pull. The lack of pull could have been mitigated by getting your pull line anchored higher.
It’s nice to see you pop in, regardless of circumstances, and glad everyone is ok. Best of all, you get expert advice to help overcome this “thrown from the horse” moment. As billb3 hinted above- did you get the other trees down, or did the shed remodel come before them?
Other ones came down no issues. Have that large one in the middle of the yard to still take down but won't have anything to hit around it lol.
Brad is correct. You simply misjudged things. For sure you did not have the rope high enough as that tree must have had a very hard lean to fall the way it did. Also, a small lawn mower is not enough for jobs like this. And, you cut too far into the tree. But the big thing here is what happened as the tree was falling! You did the absolute worst thing a feller can do. It is understandable that you were caught offguard and that is why you physically tried to push the tree, which was not going to have any effect on the fall. But look how close you are to the trunk and that fence. You should have gotten out of there when the tree showed the very first signs of it tipping! This could have been a total disaster for you. Kudos to you for admitting your mistake. That took guts to post it on here for all to see and I only hope that others take this as a lesson.
Bummer, and I was just watching those tree cutter fails yesterday but this was nothing like those. Good on you though. We all gotta learn from these mistakes. this is probably one of the first FHC tree fails on video, naturally Its nice to have guys who have done the tree cutting thing for awhile and chime in. Hope you can make it up to your buddy while its nice out, grab some cold beer , chairs and yell at the damm shed for a night because it didn’t move when it was supposed to!
Made me think of a current TV insurance commercial about the "She shed" getting totaled The shed means nothing. Not getting smashed yourself is the main blessing.