73°F 23°C Humidity 17% Wind Speed SSE 4 G 6 MPH Barometer NA Dewpoint 26°F (-3°C) Visibility NA Last update 07 Aug 9:33 am
Yep were good here. We have had above avg rainfall in my area, and I think k a realitively mild summer. Now granted HI is over 100 again but on avg. Not like 6 years ago or so where it was like 5 straight days over 100 and like 30 or something 90+ in a row.
I'm even calling UNCLE today. Was gonna split some of those WO rounds I had left after taking my mom to a Dr appointment. Well, Mr Squirrel decided to knaw the wire into on her well pump. Time I got thru with that and getting it going, I'm done. My big fan quit yesterday, so picked up another one and put it together. Maybe on my next 2 days off, we can get some done. Y'all have a blessed and safe day.
And 2 of us are still puttin on our metal roof.....same situation....sweatin our @sses off..... Will be glad when it somewhat looks likes this.... One this side is covered....flashing n trim n we are done....when temps are descent..its rainin. When the sun shines...its so humid n miserable its not even funny as my mom used to say..lol
My DP hit 81 yesterday. Was 80 day before. Plenty sticky. But temps have been staying below 90 mostly. Been a cool, wet summer, by our standards. eta: Just noticed that this thread is about to turn over 1000 pages. Keep your eyes on it. (Good or bad? Beats me.)
OMG!!! I can't imagine what that would be like with dewpoints that high. For sure I'd have to be in air conditioning.
A bit more rain last night (.3") so still very humid but at least not as hot. Calm wind is supposed to start coming from the NW this afternoon so that should help a lot.
Shop thermometer says its 6C outside.....43F if I'm correct. I'm not burning anything because there ain't no trees !!!! Greetings from the North West Territories, Canada (the arctic). Have a great day guys. After dying from the heat in Edmonton (Alberta) I'm enjoying the cool temps of the mine on night shift. It's actually getting dark for a few hours each night now. Another 5 months and we'll be in nearly 24 hour darkness for a while and the temps will be hitting-55C if last winter is anything to go by. That's -67F for my American brothers. I'm sure I'll be wishing I could bring my woodstove and a couple of cords with me before it's over. Lol.
I like the night shift in the summer too. Evening (3-11) shift the rest of the time. Best shift is my days off...... Have a great and blessed day also.
Had a short downpour yesterday afternoon. .7" fell so we are doing well now with our water. The dry season is over.
Been awhile since I darkened the doorway here! Been a pretty warm summer (and random crazy storm weather) here, except for last night. Temp went down to +2 C or 35-ish F abouts. Poor stove still sitting there waiting...