Gotta ask. Why the big face cut? Looks like you have the tree strapped to avoid splitting during the felling operation... I’m guessing you knew which way this one was gonna fall and didn’t need wedges... That’s a big maple...
The tree is strapped because it was a very old hard maple with codominant leaders. There is a house just on the other side of the driveway. The crotch is actually split from where it starts at 10' in the air to the ground. In the picture where I'm kneeling in front of it I was actually watching water pour put of the center of the tree. As far as the face cut is concerned I'm not sure how to respond without sounding like a jerk. There is a specific reason it's so big, but it's an advanced technique I'm not comfortable putting out on the general interwebs for guys to potentially cause harm if executed incorrectly. Sorry fellas.
Chaz , nice work! I concur on Siberian Elm, got a fair amount of it around here, & It's good firewood. Stuff,s stringy, hence the hinge peeling, not to worry, looked like a good safe drop. Ropes are always a good idea when there's any doubt. That Maple in Barcroftb 's picture is a good example. That tree was roped & pulled against a negative lean directly toward the house. There was no doubt about where it was gonna go after it was rigged & roped & a couple limbs roped down. As Brad said, do it a few times & you become more comfortable. I've helped/hindered Brad & Armbru84 take down a few problem trees & learned a crap ton. Usually I even pull the rope when told. I've taken my fair share of trees down, but there's always more to learn, & be careful!
If its like the Elm I've worked up, the tree will have the last laugh when you go to splittin... better have your hatchet handy
I like to buck them let the set for a while. Then when it’s nice and cold, put it through the splitter... it helps... not a 100%, but helps...
This is a fair and honest statement, as I know Barcroftb, Armbru84, and amateur cutter personally from Backwoods Savage ’s and other’s GTGs...... so let it be known, and agreed upon- they know their craft and no offense should be taken. But another door opens, too; “If you’ve got a problem [tree], if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire....the B-Team”.....
Thanks E. I'm sure amateur cutter will tell ya I'm perfectly happy to give you enough rope to hang yourself as long as there isn't a chance for maximum destruction. This isn't one of those cases though.
Hahahahaha! That's great E. Thanks. For the record, I've never been left hanging at the end of the rope alone, Armbru84 was there too.
I have some willow but man is it it splinters to split. Long time to dry that stuff. I have about 2 Rics of poplar. I love it to start fires with. I cut it small and make kindling with it.
Yeah, I guess fortunately the landowner didn't want to pay to have those trees removed, so I didn't have to deal with that. Not like I didn't have other things to get done.