After finishing the stairs I went ahead an laid the upstairs hall and the other bedrooms. I decided to run the hall and other bedrooms perpendicular to the Master bedroom flooring so I cut in tongues on the boards so I wouldn't need a transition between the two floors. One thing I found that was crazy is that when I pulled all the casing on the doors to replace it there wasn't a single shim or screw in any of the door jambs!! All the doors were held in the openings by the trim! That explained why I was having so much movement in those door frames. I ended up pulling every single interior door and reinstalling them correctly. They are all WAY more solid now! Looking down the hall to the stairs Other Bedrooms
Here are a few more pics of the wood floors going down. I got really good with an oscillating cut off tool so I didn't keep having to run outside to the saws. This project just kept growing and growing. The upstairs is done at this point but now it has carried right on down to the first floor so these pics will keep coming LOL.
Once I got the floors down I was waiting on my trim to come in. I knew the guy had been having some issues with is shaper but I finally called him and he told me I may have to go somewhere else to get my trim as he couldn't find the bearing for his shaper so he couldn't sharpen the blades. He had ordered some and they took forever to get there and then ended up being the wrong thing. The engineer in me kicked in and I asked if he would mind if I came over to evaluate the equipment and see if I could help. it took me a while to get the bearing found and at one point I started working on a design to retrofit his shaper but I ended up finding what I needed. Here was all the trim when it finally came in two months late lol
Beautiful work Certified106 I am also glad I am not the only one that it seems to take 5x longer than it should.. Wife Dosent seem to understand.. If you keep adding to the project it will never be done!!
Mixing stains to get just the right color is tough. I have refinished and finished raw wood cabinets and tables many times. Some of them I wasn't trying to match any other furniture, so loved being able to use the premix colors available. Others I have tried to match existing furniture or features and it can drive you bonkers (and woe if you didn't mix enough for the entire project).
Went To Lowe's to get some more caulk for trim and ended coming back with a discounted front door this morning........ Special order return that should fit for a great deal. $325 Fiberglass and stained. It will be replacing this thing that looks like it went through a war. And so it continues........
So worked on more trim all day today. My wife liked the upstairs trim and paint color so much that we painted the whole first floor and I have been slowly ripping out the junk mdf trim and replacing it with the extra hardwood we had. Here is today's work . Some of the demo Same problem with this door so I pulled the whole door out and reset it. Put up new molding New baseboard going in.
Out with the old...... In with the new....... The opening was all jacked up and the brick mold wouldn't fit so it all had to come off. I also had to cut the wood floors back in the house. Got it to the point I need to go get spray foam and PVC board to make my brick molding.
Wow! Everything is looking great Certified106 Maybe I can hire you out and barter some steaks and sugary pops?!
Nice work man! I finally replaced the wore out handle and deadbolt on our front door with new. And the deadbolt is like our door between house and garage. A battery operated 4-digit code. Very handy.