30F/-1c here this morning. The coals of last nights load of eucalyptus still glowing, going to let the fire go out while I am at work and relight it when I get home. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Since this weekend, except the last day or two i think the heat index has been in the triple digets. I think they make this stuff up. I was outside working most of last weekend and i didn't think it was that hot. Actual temp was 95 or 96 but it did not feel like it was over 100??
I thought they were kidding the other day when they said it was 75 here. Didn't feel that warm. But I will say, I'd much rather suffer through 75 than I would 95! Many times I've been asked why I don't move south; after all, there are many places in the south I really like but it isn't during the summer months that I like them!
Yea the dual residents head back up north in I guess March or April were easily into the 80s most days of April usually and have often hit 90 a fee times by then. Depending on what I am doing there is many times I rather do bit at 95f than 20f. An exception may be cutting wood but many other things I rather do in the heat than cold, most of this involves me wrenching on something.
Understand for sure. It was like the years my wife and I spent winters in Arizona. The first time we came back in mid-April but that was too soon and we about froze for a week or so. Coming back in May worked much better. But the worst then was getting accustomed to the humidity again. 45% humidity is considered low here but it felt really sticky after being in the 20% or less humidity of the desert.
20% humidity is scary chit to me. With all these woods and fields around. After a week or two without rain, fire just magically happens. Add some wind to it and fires seem like they start all over the place. Cigarettes, and many fires from trailer safety chains starting them around here and the dang rail road starting them all over. As a volunteer Fire fighter we seem to always have them when the weather gets like that. On the weekends when it's breezy, low humidity and just relitively dry I can alost predict we will get a call that weekend.
Burning up, is what we doing down in GA. Heat index has been as high as 115 so far. But in a few months, be time to crank up the stove, I be a happy man then.
Yep, almost halfway. We live about 1 1/2 from Augusta. I have a brother that lives in Toccoa Ga. You are alot closer that some of the other members. Howdy, neighbor....
Didn't get out of the 60's here today. Would've been a great day for the log pile, but the saw won't start after one tank of gas is run through it!
yooperdave We are expecting 90's this weekend as well. We will keep the door open so you can get that nice south breeze