Most places only allow a 6 foot fence on the sides of the house. You would need a variance in order to go higher. It's rare to get it. That guy butchered those bushes. Wow. Can you transplant them closer to your side?
Actually I'd fence that side and then plant something that grows high like emerald green arborvitea. These are in my gfs neighborhood
Our local code says that the decorative side of a fence needs to face the neighbors. Rainbow bright is decorative. Lol
Green giant arbor vitae are what are popular here. They are deer resistant, and grow fast, both wide and tall.
Easiest way to fix this neighbor is move!... Because you can't fix a neighbor that takes it upon himself to cut your shrubs. No fence, no shrubs, no lawyer and no police calls are going to make this better. Let us know what time to be there to load the Uhaul
Exactly why I live where I neighbors close-by, nothing but "bush". As Turbo said, you can't and aren't gonna educate that idiot. I'd put the place up for sale and make a concerted effort to find a "buyer from He!!" as a parting present to this moron.
Yeah that's what I put up at my house. He said he only has 25 feet between the houses and doesn't want to lose the real estate so I suggested a fence for immediate 6 foot privacy and the emerald greens for grow in privacy. The green giants will take up about 10 feet of the 25 he has, plus he will have to set them back so the neighbor doesn't chop them all up.
Whats with all the chain link love? That stuff is hideous. Wood stockade is much nicer plus you can't see thru it.
With a wall of wood between the chain link fence and the OP’s house, the OP won’t even see the fence..... but his neighbor will...... I think putting a nice stockade fence with the good looking side facing the neighbor would only end up rewarding the bad behavior that started this whole thing in the first place.
If you decide to do chain link jdude let me know I'll send you down some of great grandma special rose bushes!! Lovingly referred to as the man eaters! You touch them you will get scars!! They eat footballs, soccer balls and basketball and have punctured 2 car tires perfect.
Well if it's a view he wanted ........give him a view of something to pizz him off. Possibly some fake cameras pointed directly into his windows or occasionally shine a spotlight in and look around.
You can't point cameras at your neighbors windows. I mean you can but you can get yourself into hot water.
OMG John this is awful. Problems with neighbors are never fun for sure that this idiot took things way too far. You are dealing with this a bit different than I would but that's okay. With the options you give, I like B and C. If going with C, I would make him sign it or at the very least send it certified so he has to sign that he got it. What strikes me is that it is still on your property. Yes, he can trim but only that part that is hanging over the line. Even then, it is only good common sense to talk to the neighbor before going out to cut. Then he had the gall to say he wouldn't ask because he was sure you'd say no. He is wrong on so many counts. You also make it sound like he is an arrogant cuss. Those types are difficult to deal with and this is why I'd probably get an attorney involved. He should pay to remove those shrubs and plant new ones or at least pay for the shrubs then let these grow back out. Regardless, he should be made to pay for the damages and his stupid attitude. That is the only way to make a point with this type. Good luck.
Not if the "dumb-arse" neighbor keeps pruning everything in sight.....................................