Tree guy dropped off a load of white oak rounds. No rot. Only have to cut 2 pieces to size. Dropped 50 feet from where I stacked it. I've gotten 2 loads of logs in the past as well and I think I gave him a 20 two 20s. Can't remember. Outside of that I've never paid for wood. It kills me to pay for wood. Killlls me. I've scrounged or got everything off of Craigslist for the past 4 years. I know it sounds cheap but I wish I had a 10 instead of a 20 but that's all I had. Lol The pile of rounds is 8 foot by 3.5 foot but a little under 4 foot. It's 3 rows. The last row is incomplete but there's still a few rounds there. There's a hand truck for scale in the pics.
Seems that you’re doing him a favor by helping him get rid of it... Geographically I didn’t think there was a big demand in your area for firewood. If you were buying that wood, then $20is cheap.. I wouldn’t think of the $20 so much as a tip for that wood in the pic as much as an insurance policy that he will continue to supply you in the future. If you want to give a little less, find out what he likes to drink and have some cold six packs on standby...
At the very least you didn’t have to pack the saw and stuff, drive to wherever you cut, drop the tree, limb (and clear the detritus), buck, carry and load, drive home and unload, clean saw, etc..... It all depends on how you value your efforts, right? Maybe? I could be way off.....
There's a decent amount of demand for firewood around here. I'm sure not as heavily as other places but there's a lot of firewood sellers around. It sounds horrible but oak is plentiful around here. It's it hard to come by. With my cat stove I'd rather have maple with me being able to get it dry in a year. Oh and there's 2 downed oaks I have to cut up at my mom's house. I've got too much oak..... First world problems I know.
That's a good problem to have! I think there's nothing wrong with tipping him a $20 from time to time as long as piles like that keep arriving.
20 bucks for at least a half a cord of oak that needs 2 cuts and split.. I can't drive to tree, drop it, limb it, pile brush, block it and bring it home for that price in gas and diesel. In short Heck of a Deal..
Agreed, but 2-3 years out (depending on exposure) you get to burn less and make more heat....I count that as a total f#¢*ing win....yes?
Honestly I'll probably sell some at some point. I'm gonna cut some oak down to firepit and chiminea size and see if that sells this fall too.
My Grandpa had a saying......................."Folks that say they don't drink will lie about other things also."
$20 may be a bit steep, but you should be seeing more arrive on a consistent basis. That's a win in my book. I wanted to to the guys that dropped the silver maple at my house, but they were gone before I could get home.
If wasted 20 at the bar in a few minutes so I shouldn't worry about it. Not sure what it's nagging at me. I'm really not that cheap
I would not let it nag me. You are helping the guy for taking the wood and also helping him getting a few bucks for his work. In turn, you got some great firewood and probably a guarantee he will bring more good wood to you.
Yeah he will likely be back and it will be oak! I think people appreciate the simple gestures from time to time so good on you!
Hey $20 bucks for wood that’ll heat your home more than $20 is worth? You got a great deal, sucker! Especially that being oak. No slouch!