Just to let folks know, there must be a new one going around. I've received 2 emails that supposedly came from UPS. They look just about identical to UPS stuff and even has a tracking number. So I got curious and copied the tracking number rather than clicking on it. Went to the UPS web site to see if I could track anything. Nope. They do not recognize that number. Ah ha! It looks like this bull comes out of Mexico so even if it is bad, it is doubtful the authorities can do anything about it. So please beware.
I got a letter in the mail yesterday telling me that some of my account info with Snap-On has been compromised....... I don't have an account with Snap-On. The letter looks legitimately from Snap-On. So now I wonder if someone has used my SSI to try to get credit? Imagine if criminals put the effort in at a real job how successful they could be?!
I still get a call every 6 months or so from someone with a very thick accent telling me he's from microsoft and my computer is downloading illegally. "I don't have a computer" Click.
I wish I was puter savvy. I have watched videos where people who are skilled, send viruses to these type of scammers.
Well as soon as I get the money order from the crown prince of LaGuardia I won’t have any worries. I did send $5k so he could get his crown back.
unpaid invoice spam emails have started showing up at work. Thankfully our money person is right on top of what has been ordered and paid for. Being a school as well helps knowing what items are appropriate to be bought for a school.
Realize also they can spoof a phone number. So phone number comes in as comcast my provider, you can always call back.
I think I just deleted 10 or more spam e-mails just before I logged on here. A person really has to be careful.
I only have gmail and icloud email now and just never see spam any more but the last two days often when I go to wunderground on my phone I get a pop up warning me my iPhone is infected with a virus I should click this button NOW !!!! Ha-ha, I was born yesterday.
I get calls all the time about credit cards, I waste as much of their fine as they will give me, if I'm available. Had one the other day told me to write down a number to call, took 3 minutes to "find a pen" and another minute to "find a paper" then when I was ready he have me the number. He seemed surprised when he said 156, to which I replied oh yes, I drive stick! No no no, 156, oh right, 396. No sir, 156, oh gotcha, I couldn't hear you, 156. Glad we cleared that up. Yes. Next numbers, 385, gotcha, G8 died. Sir are you trying to waste my time? Oh goodness no I would never do that! Now let me find my pen again, it rolled under the couch. I had some great entertainment for 15-20 minutes and it was that much more time he wasnt spending actually scamming someone else. So if your free when you get those calls, I encourage you to try that out, it seems I'll get more and more until I pull a stunt like that, and then they stop for a while. Just remember, don't fall for the BS!
My favorite solution to calls is to make a couple of click click noises when I pick up the phone and then state "this call is being recorded for quality control purposes". You wouldn't believe the responses I get. It's hilarious.
Or, after a couple clicking sounds; "Thank you. Your call is very important to us. Please stay on the line and your call will be answered in the order it was received" Sometimes they hold, but most times they just hang up.
I've strung them along a couple times just for kicks. One time someone was trying to sell some super vitamins for hundreds of dollars. I don't remember how long I strung him along as I wasn't doing anything else at the time but could tell he was excited thinking he had another fish on the line when I agreed with everything he was saying about health and vitamins. But then suddenly I got tired of it and said, "No. I guess I'm not that interested," and hung up. I'll bet he was chewing nails then.
My grandmother in law was swindled for $1500, more withdrawals were pending when she canceled her card-- this at age 88. Takes a special kind of evil to swindle elderly people. And of all people, her!?! Not a penny to her name and just a few hundred a month SS. The saddest part is I know she still resented WWW and I when she died last year because we stepped in and stopped it. She thought they had a relationship. It started with a junkmail letter, "you've won $$$ from megamillions, send us some $$$ to process your payment" (megamillions made to look a lot like the real one) and progressed from there.
Got one this morning that said it was from google tracking 4 lost emails- didn't send any the last couple days, besides if it does not go through it usually shows up as a bounced address.