Dang. Regardless, I really don't have a reaction to PI but I try not to mess with it. I did just hack up the vine though. Here it is choking out the trees. Just another problem I inherited with this house.
Virginia Creeper has 5 leaves; but it is commonly found in the same spots as poison ivy. When you see the 5 leaves, there’s usually some 3-leaf nearby. In your pictures I see serrated leaves of three, leading to my opinion that it’s poison oak.
Oh My Gosh!!! Move your wood stack- the urishol (active oil in poison ivy) can wash off in rain and get on your firewood, which will be super bad news in your fireplace. Cut the vine on the tree, and leave it. Spray Roundup Poison Ivy and Brush killer on any leaves/vine you can reach.
I'm gonna hafta agree with Kevin on this one. Move that stack out away from the tree till the PI is all dead and gone!
Good call, luckily that stack won't be burned for at least a couple years anyway but I didn't even think of that.
Yeah I didn't get PI either...until a few years ago. Still don't get it anywhere near like some people though!
My buddy's FIL pulled in one day and told him he had a load of wood for him. So my buddy jumps up and unloads it and thanks his FIL and that was the end of the story...Free wood, delivered in rounds and stacked till further processing. Next day my buddy wakes up and his eyes are swelled shut...can't see... So, off to the ER ... got shots for PI. Turns out the wood had vines all over it but my buddy didn't notice it. And the rounds were big and he wasn't wearing a shirt. So he was carrying the rounds with his arms wrapped under and around the logs and holding them against his chest... Didn't turn out well...
I never got PI until a few years ago when out cutting wood off of my swamp in January didn't realize the vines were PI. Never expected to get PI in Winter!
I just can’t like that....lol. I am severely allergic like your buddy- if I get it, it’s a trip to the Dr. to get a shot and also a 5 day pack of steroid. Due to the allergy, I have developed quite the eagle eye for spotting that cursed ivy!
I've got it once in the summer and three times in the winter. One of those times i believe was from scratching with my stove gloves on...wont do that again!
A person can get PI year round if you break the stems on the ground plants & vines when the leaves are off. That's why you also need to be able to ID PI plants and vines in the winter as we work in the woods. The easiest way to ID in the winter is to ID it with foliage in the summer. Note where any PI is that you know of, then go look for the stems of the plants after foliage falls. I can pick it out in the winter just by scanning the ground. As kids, we used to call it out when playing Daniel Boone. "Hey you guys, PI over here" Yes, the above thread pic is PI, hairy roots are a dead give away around here. And the foliage is beyond doubt. There was another thread on this site a few years back on PI with great info. As Shawn Curry mentioned you can wash of the oil with Dawn dishsoap, the sooner the better and scrub hard like it's grease.
Just to back track a tad, cut the vines at the base with an ax. Now for the leaves on the ground some round up PI? Dumb question those vines on the tree obviously attached to the leaves on the ground? I have a lot of leave clutter on the ground and I didn't want to start moving stuff around so I couldn't if they connected but I assume they do. Another thing I learned from this forum, thanks fellas!! I literally was just walking around out back and just noticed those fuzzy vines and thought to myself mmmm that looks kinda weird, let me snap a pic. Never dreamt it was PI!!! Never saw a PI leaf in my life, now I know what it looks like and it's etched into my brain
Good for you with it etched in your head, it should be, it will serve you well. Leave the vines where they are for now. Just treat the leaves on the ground like the plague and don't touch anything that touched them. E.g. rake tines, shovels, etc.
Speaking of PI, at the Leadfarmer's GTG there was a mulberry tree in the back of the house that we were dropping tree's around that was covered with it. A guy from the OPE site that was wearing a tank top cut it down and bucked it up. When he came over to us he had saw chip's sticking all over him! I definitely don't want to be him!