Well.. short story. First, they were vertical. Now, horizontal. They were girdled a couple of years ago. My folks place. Two to the right side of the year, the third to the left. Rope puller in place. Using catalpa on the left side of the yard as the anchor. My brother at the anchor end. Ugly stump ~shame~. The diameter was 2 inches wider than my saw. Oh well... on to tree number 2. Two down, one to go.
Number 3 all rigged. And, it's down. Yard full of tree It's now pushing 90f and in full sun. Done for the day. Time to pack up, shower, and a cold beer. I'll get back and do further cleanup over the nest week.
Video from me brudder He was experimenting, and videoed in slo-mo. If bored, skip to the 30sec mark, and the tree actually moves.
Nice job getting them down safely. I forget how soft you New Englanders are- quitting when it's 90 in the sun
You can have it. It's nice and dry, that's for sure. Wood is light in weight. Not high on the btu charts, so I'm not interested in it. No room anyways and not worth the 30min round trip. Would be perfect for campfires, though. Planning to stack the rounds close to the driveway, and maybe list it on CL for free. Or, just toss it into the woods. Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
Probably not worth the multi hour round trip, but thanks for the offer. If it was delivered, I'd take it. I have a hard time saying no. I bet you'll have takers if you put it out for free. Maybe the local church or scout troop knows somebody in need that can split but doesn't have resources to cut for themselves? Scout troop may even split and deliver to the needy party.
You can get some nice lumber. Very interesting grain. It's pretty soft but looks really good. The more branches, the more crazy the grain. I used this slab for benches for our table I built. Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
Nice but it does seem a shame to just let the wood go. If nothing else, are there any young folks out there who might wish to make a dollar by selling the firewood? Let them do the work then enjoy the dollar at the end.
Returned for day 2. Cut up what I could before my saws started acting up. Time to take them to the saw doctor. They've got lots of hours on them. Anyways - most of the logs cut up and moved to the side of the yard. Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
Most of the young'ns I know, don't like the hard work. But, I'll definitely ask around before I enter scuttle-mode. Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
~update~ My sister took some of the wood to have for campfires. The majority of the remaining wood is being taken away by some friends of my folks neighbors. That works for me! If I don't need to deal with, then I'm all in.