42 with a real feel of 34. 63 degrees in the house when I got home. I have mowed the yard 2 times and now I'm burning ash and a few pieces of black locust in the stove. Chilly tomorrow as well. Better be prepared time to go out to the wood shed.
We made a short trip out to Kearney NE and the weather out there was beautiful, highs in the 80's with blue skies and light winds. Then Thursday night happened. We got heavey rain and strong winds and cold temps. Temps were in the 50's when we left Kearney this morning and it was 45 when we got home. 62 inside so we fired up the oil furnace.
Had the AC running in the bedroom Wednesday night, then fired up the furnace today. Highest temp was 42F with rain & wind. Real feel is 36F. Gonna be a cold damp weekend. Yuck! Edit: Burning Pine BTW
40° here, no rain yet, but supposed to be damp and chilly all day. I started a fire to get the basement warmed up, as we have work to do down there. My husband bought a small drum set, with my grandson in mind, and it needs assembling. The cat always appreciates a fire, of course.
They forecast we'll get well into the 50's today but it has a long ways to go. 44 at present. Stove still warm.
We're at 54, the high for the day. Temps are then supposed to drop out again throughout the day and a low of 40ish again tonight. Ash trash in the stove. First fire in a month, I should have blown the dust off the stove first, it smells a bit.
41 here with rain, high tomorrow in the 40's, just touched off the boiler again, pine and a couple sugar maple splits. Looks like it'll be going for a couple days yet, after a brief respite. Happy wife (and daughters) happy life, right?
43° and got a little fire going with leftovers. If this keeps up I'll have to bring more wood in! This is the first year I haven't run out of dry wood, and these little morning fires are fun.
Just lit a fire. It's finally warming up outside but a bit chilly in here so as long as I have to stay inside, I may as well be comfortable. A short fire will do well.
It got up to 77f/25c today but as it is in the mountains our mornings are cool. We were close to freezing this morning but the temps climbed quickly. It was a great day to spend with the family for Mothers day. Happy Mothers day to all the moms out there!
No fire today! We hit +30 C or about 86-87 F which is flippin' blazing for this time of year ( and pretty warm for anytime of year). Lots of fire bans going on everywhere in the province. It's funny how I ran my little stove like a nuclear reactor from November to mid April, and yet one day with the windows open, and more smoke smell from forest fires in here than anything I've ever done.
AC is on. Probly wont fire the smoke dragon up again till oct. Snow is gone off the mtn so its cutting time again.
Glad to hear you're clear of that forest fire just west of you. It hit 90°F here, same as the Gov't station at Indian Head south of here. Their record is 92° in 1936. 200 Miles south of saskwoodburner.
50 here this AM and opened the windows up to enjoy the fresh cool air. Plus I enjoy hearing the birds sing.
We had a couple warm days here so far also, should be able to plant here in 2 weeks, the cold sensitive stuff. Lettuce, peas, spinach, etc. are already up. Picking Asparagus daily.
We had a brief rain yesterday, and it will a bit cooler today, cleaning out a shed so why not a fire.