30 Mix of odds/longs and coal. 4-6 forecast for today but I think it's going to be a miss. Nothing so far. After today it looks like 40-60s for 10 days I'm behind on my hothouse veggies due to the abnormal cold. 4 days straight of sunshine starting tomorrow so I'll get stuff started .
Sitting at 0 C or 33 F. Got lazy and didn't fire up the stove last night so it's been probably 30 hours since it ate.
Was 36ºF this morning and it sure looked like a mix of snowflakes and rain early. Red maple all day so far although the rain has let up for just a few minutes. Maybe it will warm up ? Being Spring and all ?
Yeah, but she's been eating as much as she could since about the start of November. She can lean out a bit.
Snow squall here went to apartment buildings 75 miles away snowed whole way there and back.. I need some sun and 40 s!!!
Took this picture this morning. Fortunately most of the snow and ice melted today as it really warmed up nicely and the sun has been shinning brightly all day.
More of that extremely seasoned tulip poplar. I loaded, and lit 5 minutes ago, its already an inferno! 50’s outside now with winds and clouds, supposed to be mid 30’s tonight. It might be the last fire until fall... of course i keep saying that lmao..
This is the time of year that no one complains about the weatherman being wrong! Case in hand, Yesterday, we were forecasted for a high of 41. then it changed to 43. Then 46, but ended up with 54! Bright and sunny. I think we'll overlook this one!
Yesterday morning was 12. Right now, its 15 here. Another sun filled day with melting temps on schedule.
It was 34ºF a little while ago. Pine fire this morning and just put two splits of red maple in. But that's probably it for today as it looks to be a bright sunny day. Not much pine 'morning wood' left:
About 26 on the porch this morning. Maple in the boiler. Should see 46 today if the guessers are correct. Then three days of what looks like spring!
I have a stinky smell coming from my basement. Trying to figure out if it’s a piece of wood I just through in my boiler. Do you guys think it could have been a mystery piece of firewood I put in there this morning? What firewood would smell bad?
Okay. I think I also heard on here that Willow can smell bad. I’ve the smell narrowed down to the boiler, so I have some air circulation going to get it outside. Hopefully it was just one piece.