So today I saw a deal for a homelite super xl. Turned out to be half a complete saw. After I said I didn't want the homelite he told me he had a husqvarna saw he would sell. Turned out to be a pretty beat up old white top 61 rancher I believe. Cracked handle and top cover but other than that the saw is in fair condition. Does appear that the saw was having a little blow by? On the exhaust side. Let me know what you guys think. The saw runs idles and oils well. Brock.
Mind you the saw was completely black when I got it. Forgot to take before pictures. These pictures do no justice for how much elbow grease was used to get this saw back to acceptable condition.
I have a 162 SE looks simular but with orange top. Was my favorite saw till the Echo CS 400 came along. I bought mine new in 1976 and have cut a whole bunch of fire wood with it. Over the years I have had to redo the carb twice, can't remember how many chains I've went thru and 4 bars. Looks like it should cut you a lot of wood still. Al
Not sure about the blow by, but it does appear he was “recycling” his used motor oil for bar oil. That can make a royal mess especially on a saw that doesn’t have a clutch driven oiler. If it smokes a lot try giving the muffler a thorough cleaning. Cool lookin old saw!