38F here just before 8PM. It was a nice day to work outside. But. There has been wind here all day. I have had Maple in the boiler all day. Not a lot of demand but certainly need the BTUs to keep the house toasty.
I think I just let my last fire of the season run out. Built one this morn just to knock of the chill and the lows are pretty high for the next 15 days. I’d say after that if we need heat I’ll run the heat pump. Go ahead and clean out the stove, stack and chimney. I’d like to raise up my stove a few inches anyhow.
Loaded with pine and willow at 6:30am, just topped off a still half full owb with three cherry splits and half a wheelbarrow load of soft stuff. Loves me some spring weather!
Prince Albert breaks century old cold weather record It only took a few years to break the previous record.
You can add Indian Head, Sask. to the list with -29.9°C / -21.8°F on the 30th. This is my closest Government weather station.
3f and oak chunk wood burning . Just cleaned 12 inch of snow out of the yard from Friday night . Crazy MN . Ground frozen again . Mud was the issue 4 days ago . They got 12-18 inchs about 10 miles north of me. Nuts. Heat550 Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
27 Next couple days look to be 45-60 temps. After that mid 20s-high 30s,,,,, looks like I'll have to partially reload the wood room. Sure wish we'd get 4-5 days of sun in a row . Would like to get some stuff started in cold frames. Beech and coal in the Woodchuck.
8 here house still at 72 from last nights fire. Gonna let it sit idle as we have family coming over and the sun has plenty of power this time of year to keep the house warm. Now the are predicting upwards of 6-7 more inches of snow for Mon and Tue!I hope they arw wrong I'm ready for spme spring weather.
About 32 and windy still. Slowed down some since last night but still cold. Maple and Ash in the Wood Gun.
One a first trees I scrounged almost two year ago was a kinda pine ( leylandi) Had it stacked in a corner to burn in the fire pit ( due to previous rumours) Miserable an wet out in Leeds uk so it’s a lazy afternoon in fronta Fire au feet up eating chocolate
Not sure I remember any year when I was so tired of cold weather as this year. Oh how I pine for some 60 degree days... At least the snow missed us. Got a short burst of sleet yesterday and a little rain. Flurries this morning. Flurries when the sun was shinning means we will probably get the same thing tomorrow.
Its -8c/17f right now with light snowfall. Pine and spruce for my reload this morning. The rivers in the east kootenays are now closed for fishing until June 15 so the trout can be left in peace for the spawn.
It's been cold again. 18 was our low last night. I got the house really warm with beech, sugar maple and elm. It was shirts and t shirt weather in the stove room. Choochin' , eh? This am, I reloaded with sumac, yes sumac, and elm. There were a few shall pieces of sumac about 2-2.5" that got cut up. They let nice and fast, but popped like crazy. They put poplar to shame for popping factor. Time for a rechooch. It's 28° now.
53ºF and not sunny enough for an appreciable amount of solar gain. Plus, windy. Burnt some pine and some white oak uglies from the bottom of the pile today.