I have a client that has a nice locust down in his yard. maybe 40 feet long 24". hoe many chains do I need to take with me?
I would think you could do it with 1 just stop and touch up your chain every now and then. I would just bring a back up just in case. We have some black locust here and it's not to bad. Just watch out for those thorns! Brock
Depends on how many times your chain hits the ground. But you should be able to get by on one chain.... a second for backup...
I never go out without a back-up chain. That said, I seldom change chains while out. I think you can get through a whole tree on one chain no problem. At least have a spare handy in case you drop it in the dirt. Or hit a hidden rock or nail.
This^ I had a neighbor ask me to cut their black locust apart after it fell on their fence last year. What I didn’t know was what the wood was before I came into THIS house. So I had bought a brand new chain and the good gas and went to town. Really got it done but boy by the end of the cuts, I had raked over the dirt since I was also cutting root ball. Still burned pretty well.
One chain and a file kit. You should be able to cut all that up and more. Sharpen after every tank of gas whether you think it needs it or not.
I agree with this - I always touch up at tank refill. If I'm home, I'll swap chains, turn bar over, and touch up later on occasion.. "In the field" I give each tooth a couple strokes at refill and keep my backup chain ready in the event that I do something dumb, such as rock the chain when finding myself suddenly surrounded by angry bees... not that I've ever done something like that...