I figure Holly must be a Mathematician, cuz she's got ADD down pat. I can throw her tennis ball to the kitchen area (small house) and most times she runs to retrieve it and runs back. Then there are the times I throw it.. she runs after it.. get's distracted by something or another (often a drink) and then completely forgets about the ball and comes back to me like "OK, I'm ready" I usually end up going to get the ball. So.. does your dog have ADD??? (I am not excluding cats, aside from the fact they generally don't give a rat's arse what we want them to do) (Now.. get a laser pointer and you have their undivided attention. )
Depends on what object and what dog, but mostly yes. Our hound only cares about around 5 things in life, nap time, breakfast, post breakfast napping, a pre supper nap, supper, and a nap after that . Oh, and a good night's rest, which he loves to ease into with a little nap. Our other dog is 100 mph and is easy distracted. The only thing she's very persistent on is someone coming down the driveway, which she lets everyone in the house know by bellaring until you let her out.
Our smooth coat border collie will play fetch all day (he “herds” the ball like a BC would lay poised to maintain livestock), and will retrieve til he wears blisters on his pads. But Harvey, the avatar dog, will catch and release immediately where he catches the ball. No retrieval, but perfect at “drop”..... right at his feet. If it ain’t ADD, it’s BBD... bird brain disorder
Eric VW you mentioned the 'herding mentality' and it reminded me of when me and Jill raised 3 turkeys some years back. It was just after we got Holly, and she would watch them with great interest, and of course chase them at times. But when it came time to put them back in their caged area, she was very keen on rounding them up. She also thinks she's part pointer.. she'll sniff something out in the brushline and give the 3 pt stance like a pointer.. then she'll pounce like a cat or a fox. She's an amazing and amusing animal. I wouldn't miss this show for anything. Chaz