In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Mattress guidance

Discussion in 'The DIY Room' started by mywaynow, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. clemsonfor


    Oct 3, 2013
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    Greenwood county SC
    Oh yea. I know big Lots is low quality. But we were just looking EVERYWHERE.
    Chazsbetterhalf and Lucy like this.
  2. clemsonfor


    Oct 3, 2013
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    Greenwood county SC
    Costco sells them too but we're not members at sams or costco and yes you would have to test them elsewhere
    Chazsbetterhalf and Lucy like this.
  3. BranBranTheNWman


    Jan 31, 2018
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    Maple Falls, Washington
    I say one thing I bought a Sleep Number last year. Was expensive as hell but I figured I would give it a shot since I was on my way for back surgery because of a few bulging disks. About 3 weeks after buying I was finally able to sleep and not toss and turn all night. End result is my inflammation went away and I don't need back surgery anymore thank God. Sometimes the old saying means something, you get what you pay for.
  4. Lucy


    Oct 27, 2017
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    These beds are not cheap beds. I also have a bulging disc, actually 3 but only one that pushes on the sciatic nerve. I like my bed and sleep fine, don't hurt at night, not until after i get up and put vertical pressure back on my spine and bending and lifting. Are you saying yours just went away? Mine is only bearable as long as i get steroid shots every other month.
    Chazsbetterhalf likes this.
  5. BranBranTheNWman


    Jan 31, 2018
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    Maple Falls, Washington
    I was in a dirt bike accident in 2006 and have had a messed up back since that day, 3 bulging disks with sciatic nerves always kicking in. Long story short I tried everything and had to get steroid shots as well and was lined up for surgery when I was like heck ill try this what do I have to loose its not like back surgery is cheap lol. I never thought it was going to work but it did and I am so thankful for that bed now. To wake up and feel like I am in my 20's again since I missed them since I am 32.
    Chazsbetterhalf, Lucy and clemsonfor like this.
  6. Lucy


    Oct 27, 2017
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    The age difference may be part of my problem, more than twice yours. Mine was not an accident but an accumulation of a lot wear and tear. i would be grateful to feel like 50 again:whistle:
    However surgery scares me to no end.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018
  7. Lucy


    Oct 27, 2017
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    I went by the store to ask if they had any stores up north. They don't they only have them here in Arkansas and Texas.
    I realized that i never told you what kind of mattress i bought. One was a Simmons Beautyrest Recharge Shakespeare Collection Luxury Firm. That's the one my dogs have, it's now about 1 1/2 years old.
    Mine is also a Beautyrest Ultra Firm, can't remember what exactly it was called some kind of hybrid, springs and foam. Had it for over 2 years now, still love it. These older models can be gotten for a lot less now.
    Chazsbetterhalf likes this.
  8. clemsonfor


    Oct 3, 2013
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    Greenwood county SC
    The other thing I learned while mattress shopping is that no where sells the same ones. They may call it the simmions beatutyrest something or other at the local store and then Matress Firm will have the Simmons beauty rest something else and say rooms to go will ha e the Simmons beauty rest. Something again. And all will be the same thing but with different model names. They do this so all the larger stores can't price compare each other and be forced to machine prices .

    It's the same way in the appliance world. The same kitchen aid dishwasher will have one model number at local appliance store and the same model that looks exact same will have another model number off by one letter at lowes. They do this again so they don't have to price match each other, and can say it's a different model even though it basically is the same one. Lawn mowers are the same way.
    Chazsbetterhalf and Lucy like this.
  9. BranBranTheNWman


    Jan 31, 2018
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    Maple Falls, Washington
    I like sleepnumbers cause one day im a 35 and maybe another nite ill lower it to a 25. My gf always has hers at 45-50 to firm for me plus I like to raise my bed and feet ever so slightly makes a huge difference for me. But then again I sleep on the couch alot only because the stove is next to it and my son steals my side of the bed:rofl: :lol:
    Chazsbetterhalf, Lucy and clemsonfor like this.
  10. mark.nowak


    Dec 5, 2017
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    Sycamore, IL
    My wife and I spent $2k on a memory foam mattress a few years ago. We both love it.

    I recently bought a memory foam mattress off of amazon for my youngest son(3 year old)I paid less than $200 for it. After spending numerous night on his mattress trying to get him to sleep in his own bed, I’m starting to think my wife and I overpaid for our mattress...I can not tell the difference.

    Heck, I liked the boys mattress so much I bought the same one to replace the terrible Denver mattress in our camper.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Maina


    Feb 4, 2018
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    Surgery should scare you. I had a failed back surgery in 2005 and I regret it every day since. The failure rate for lower back surgery is extremely high, not something they tell you in advance. Mine led to diverticulitis surgery almost 4 years later, mostly due to the pain medications I was eating like candy so I could keep working. That surgery left me with extensive nerve damage. I spent 10 days in the hospital and came out with my left leg essentially dead. Then it turned into burning pain so bad my skin was lobster red. The things they did to me to “remedy” that only made it worse, and caused it to spread throughout my body. I was diagnosed with CRPS II and given more opioids including a fentanyl patch. During this whole ordeal they almost lost me at least 3 times. I also developed Lupus during this time and I’m still fighting that as well.
    Then I decided I would take charge of my own recovery. That was several years ago now and I’m still recovering from what they put me through. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same physically or mentally, but I’m so much better now that I can actually do some physical work now if I pace myself and take frequent breaks. The constant burning pain is manageable now and I no longer think about ending myself.
    I’ve always loved to read and learn new things and I’m still learning, but I’ve totally taken a holistic/natural approach and I feel better now at almost 60 than I have in well over a decade. People comment all the time about how good I look. I was more than 50 lbs overweight when this all started and now I weigh what I did when I was 21. I still use a cane when I have to walk more than 50 feet or so but I’m thinking I’ll even be able to ditch that eventually.
    My focus is on herbal medicine and a plant based diet and it works. My body is repairing itself now that I’m not stuffing it full of junk food, animal fat, and God only knows what chemicals.
    I know this is controversial, and I encourage everyone to do their own research on the subject, but I’ve learned a tremendous amount about the way our bodies function and malfunction, and I can say with 100% confidence that you can improve and possibly completely reverse a bulging disc by changing your diet. Garbage in, garbage out.
    The biggest problem with the SAD (standard American diet) is it clogs your arteries, and that process starts with the smallest blood vessels in your body. Those are the capillaries that feed your discs, and the lack of blood flow in those areas cause the disc to dry out and crumble. Stop clogging those arteries and the process reverses itself. Once you’ve had surgery though you’re stuck with the scar tissue that forms. That’s my issue now. The sciatic nerve is locked up in scar tissue and can’t move when I do. I’ll probably never be free of that, but I’m even seeing improvement there and I’m encouraged.
    A bad back is like the canary in the coal mine, a warning signal from your body telling you to change your ways. ED (erectile dysfunction) is another warning sign. That’s due to clogged blood vessels from too much fat and animal protein. That’s completely in my past now, but I did experience it. It is the very best predictor of heart disease and heart attacks. The smallest vessels plug up first. I was diagnosed with angina in my 30’s. A chest CT scan I had a couple years ago due to Lupus showed almost no atherosclerosis around my heart and in my aorta. My doctor was blown away to say the least. I’ve been with him for 24 years, and he’s been very supportive through my ordeal, and tells me every visit that he learns something from me. I find that very gratifying and encouraging.
    The good news is your body is constantly replacing itself, one cell at a time. But it needs the proper fuel to do so, and that fuel is plants. Fruit, vegetables, legumes, etc contain all the nutrients your body needs to thrive. The western medical paradigm is completely missing the boat here, and it’s intentional. Pharmaceutical companies and chemical companies, like Monsanto, spend millions of dollars in misinformation campaigns to maintain the status quo. Healthy humans eating organically grown fruits and vegetables would put them out of business in record time. They know nothing about the mocrobiome or the fact that we are actually comprised of over 90% non human bacteria, fungus, and viruses that live in symbiosis with our cells. That includes so called good and bad actors. It’s a constant battle raging in every single cell in your body. Feed the good guys and they win the battle. Feed the bad guys and you lose.
    I don’t expect anyone to take my word for any of this, and what I’ve said here is such a small drop in the bucket of knowledge I’ve gained. I’ve read numerous books on the subject matter, and it’s quite diverse, and I’ve identified some very informative websites.
    I highly recommend the films “Forks Over Knives” and “Plant Based Nation”
    These websites are excellent resources to get you started if you’re interested in pursuing this further. | The Latest in Nutrition Related Research
    GreenMedInfo | Alternative Medicine | Vitamin Research | Natural
    In your search please keep in mind that all these people have to make a living. So they tend to focus on certain things and perhaps recommend certain supplements, etc. I’m very cautious about those things, and I take a few supplements specific to my conditions, but in general I don’t recommend them. Eat the right food, be diverse as you can in your selection, it’s never good to eat too much of any single food regardless of how good it is for you. Too much of anything will cause an imbalance in your system that will have negative effects. Keep it simple. Eat lots of different fruits and vegetables, and use copious amounts of herbs and spices. Those are all super foods. Use the ones you like but again, be diverse in your selection. Local is always best because that plant grew in the same environment that you are in, and environmental factors impact us much more than you realize. Local plants have developed resistance to those poisons that the microbes in your body can use to protect you.
    My apologies to the OP for going off topic, but this seems very relevant to me. I’ll stop now, but let me end by saying that I’m happy to help with recipes and ideas to get you going, and more links to read if you like. It really is simple though, and you don’t need all that to change your situation in short order. A 30 day commitment will convince you of the power your body has if you toe the line and do it right. Your life depends on it!
    Btw, I’ve gone through 4 beds in the last dozen years and the last one I bought is the one I like the best. It was also one of the least expensive, and I had to order it sight unseen since the company is web based only. That’s a Saatva. They contract with local mattress makers around the country to build to their specs. Check them out if you’re looking. I’m sleeping better than I have in years although I’m still up a few times a night thanks to the Lupus, but even that is improving.
    I feel for every one of you that suffer with back pain, but please be careful your doctor doesn’t make it worse. They’re great for accidents and other acute injuries, but they’re clueless and harmful when it comes to chronic disease. They don’t even know how to properly identify many of them, and their treatments do cause many. I’m a prime example. My CRPS and Lupus were completely caused by medical care. Iatrogenic is the term. The third leading cause of death in this country is Iatrogenic, or doctor caused. Think about that
    Thanks for your time!
  12. wildwest

    wildwest Moderator

    Jul 21, 2014
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    Wyoming high plains
    Maina , I'm sorry to hear about SLE. I'm SSc Diffuse and have a Lupus med in my cocktail.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
    Chazsbetterhalf, clemsonfor and Maina like this.
  13. Blstr88


    Oct 22, 2017
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    New Hampshire
    Woke up this morning and told the wife it was time!

    Got online and ordered one of those Casper mattresses...I figured with the 100-day return policy we couldn't go wrong trying it.

    Our old mattress was closing in on 10 years old and I bought it back in my bachelor days. It had started sinking in the middle so bad it was hard for us not to both roll into the center.

    Hopefully this Casper is as good as they claim! Ordered it yesterday morning and it says it's arriving tomorrow so we'll find out soon enough!
  14. Maina


    Feb 4, 2018
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    Thank you wildwest , I appreciate that. I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with similar issues as well. It definitely adds to the challenges of life doesn’t it?
  15. Lucy


    Oct 27, 2017
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    Thanks for all the info. I so agree with you. Hardly ever do anything doctors tell me and mine doesn't care for alternative meds. Fortunately i am very well educated and that makes learning and research easier. My hubby and i were vegan for a long time but living in AR and the Fort Smith area to boot means living in a culinary desert. We don't even have a farmer's market that's worth going to. Even the fruit and veggie stands at the roads are not local products these days. I used to pick fruit in season (strawberries, peaches, apples) but the farms are gone now. The fruit and veggies in stores here are rarely edible and never local. They are tasteless. The meat i buy is to cook for Lucy our IBD dog. Hopefully next year we will have a garden again. Mine got destroyed when we built the house, so i have to build one from scratch.
    I grew up with homeopathic remedies and use them a lot. Unfortunately i don't know what to do about the steroid shots i get every other month. They help a lot. Without I'll be swallowing pain meds like candy. My worry is that i am killing my liver and kidney and who knows what else. Fortunately i'm pretty healthy otherwise but my hubby has high blood pressure.
    Chazsbetterhalf, Maina and wildwest like this.
  16. Maina


    Feb 4, 2018
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    I’m sorry to hear about your issues Lucy. It is pretty hard to help yourself without access to good organic produce. We’re very fortunate to have pretty decent availability in season at least. Winter time is a little tougher although the local farmers are getting better at greenhouse growing in the off season so it’s improving.
    The last time I had a steroid injection I had a seizure and ended up in the hospital. Now I’m severely allergic to oral steroids as well, and since that episode I’ve been unable to overcome the atopic dermatitis it caused to show up in various places all over my body. My ears weep and bleed at night a lot and I’m losing hearing in my left ear as a result of it. Recently my wife made a honey chamomile cream that does a better job than anything I’ve tried yet. Many of the patches are faded by half over a couple months, it’s mostly gone from my eyes, and my ears are not bleeding anymore but they’re still weeping at times. The itching is not a problem over 90% of the time since using it.
    I had several rounds of injections before that happened, and they all caused my centralized neuropathic pain to spread. It happened with every injection but the neurologist kept denying it as the cause. The seizure ended that nightmare for me, but then I went for a spinal stimulator trial and that was worse. They inserted 18” of stainless steel in my spinal fluid cavity and that was a horror show. I had it for a week and it also caused the pain to spread to new areas and increased the burning. That episode was the final straw for me. I started weaning myself off all the drugs and turned completely to herbal medicine for relief. It’s literally taken years, but I’m finally seeing results. I knew when I started that I couldn’t repair over 50 years of damage overnight, but after a few months I started to see results and I’ve stayed the course.
    Blood pressure medication was the last one that I weaned myself from, as of this past November. I’ve had hypertension since childhood, and been on medication since the age of 20 when I passed out at work one day from it. I replaced the last prescription with homemade hawthorn berry syrup and I’m seeing a bit better numbers than I was in general, but severe pain still spikes it, and that’s no different than it was with pills. Fortunately I’m having less of those episodes as time goes by now. Lupus is a really unpredictable disease and I’ve had some severe attacks from it, and I never know where it will happen. It’s often a surprise and a totally new experience. But even those are getting less frequent and less severe. My last major flare was in late fall, and I was unable to walk essentially for about 6 weeks, then it moved into my upper body and that was useless for the same amount of time. It’s totally unpredictable but this is the longest I’ve gone without a major flare since it started. I usually only get a week or two off at most between major attacks and it’s been 3 months now and I’m elated!
    Best of luck to you and if I can be of any assistance please don’t hesitate to PM me. I’m happy to share anything I’ve learned.
    Thank you for the nice reply.
    Canadian border VT and Lucy like this.
  17. clemsonfor


    Oct 3, 2013
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    Greenwood county SC
    Yall better get that BP under control somehow...just take blood pressure med if necessary better than stroking out or having a heart attack. Some ailments are genetic and cannot be controlled any other way. My buddy has been on blood pressure med since he was like 25. No he is not fat or eats bad. He eats very good, lots of organic and is in shape. He is 6'2 like me if not a tad taller and I don't think he weighs 200# . He has crazy high blood pressure without it.

    That guy hat was the trainer on the biggest looser ate right and was a work out freak...hence being a trainer on the show. He had a massive heart attack in his 30s. Just the genetics your del in life. Modern medicine is the reason were not dieing in our 30s and 50s as a norm anymore. Not saying it's perfect and everyone wants to treat with a pill but most are lazy and so they opt for the easy way.
    Chazsbetterhalf, wildwest and Lucy like this.
  18. Lucy


    Oct 27, 2017
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    He is taking Hawthorn pills and also watches what he eats. Unfortunately he doesn't monitor it as he should and he is the type who doesn't relax easily. Never goes to doctors, except once when he cut his leg with a chainsaw and needed stitches.
    Chazsbetterhalf, Maina and wildwest like this.
  19. clemsonfor


    Oct 3, 2013
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    Greenwood county SC
    Do yall have a monitor or do you know how to get it with a stethoscope? He may be ok and livery with it but I am no doctor..have a few in the family but it is way healthier to take a blood pressure reducer than to go with life for years with high blood pressure. It will catch up to you sone probably before later.
    Chazsbetterhalf likes this.
  20. juliatom543


    Jul 27, 2019
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    Still want?