They're back ! Vanderhoofs Platinum . First impression great fresh cut wood smell but some pellets are 1 1/2 - 2 inches long which isn't an issue for my stove.
Fireplaces Store, MA, RI, Pellet Wood Stoves, Fireplace Inserts, Swing Sets, Sheds, Gas Grills The website isn't up to date yet , $ 279 a ton / $ 6 a bag .
got a couple of big old ash cakes in the burn pot.... one on each side.......just a little flame in the center........haven't seen that before and I was liking how they burned kinda sooted up the glass a bit as well. I would have liked to run 15 bags through and really get a feel for them, but only had 3.
Running half a bag of them AWF’s this evening (finally got cool enough inside/outside). They lit up in less than 1 1/2 mins from pressing the “Go” button, they like air, and hardly any change noticed on a freshly cleaned glass after an hour burning. I like! Only bought 3 bags, will be going back for more
Sounds good E , glad you getting things dialed in an able to try different pellet flavors and see what works for you
The AWF hardwoods have been my go to pellet this year, good heat, low ash , glass stays fairly clean for days but I do get a clinker I got to break up once a day.
Had the same experience artc, reason for my previous comments about them and would even burn Blackstone before I burned them again as I had a much better experience with Blackstone . I ran half a ton of them through my stove and gave the other half away.