blah- out of pellets again......truck was sposta load in Virginia yesterday, but the storm hit, now its icy and they wont load until its gone.......
Another pellet maker here in Maine had a news story about them. Anybody ever use Corinth pellets? They've got a 7 million $$$ plant expansion coming.
I dunno about where you are Eric, but here in the northeast, we are having a heck of a time getting some.....its Thursday, moved 4 loads this week....3 of them on Monday alone, and each truckload sold in 45 minutes to an hour (didn't have any to sell Tuesday and Wednesday, got a load today). I think it was 6 loads last week (and 61 tractor-trailer loads since Jan 1, roughly 23 tons/load). With folks coming from a goodly distance, a lot of folks I have never seen before, they are all telling me that they "cant get pellets ANYWHERE".......we even had to resort to selling them to a max of 10 bags per customer, just to spread them, I *think* there's a shortage out here....wish I could get more! dang suppliers must be sending them all out your way! (there's no jealous smilies!)
I am surprised that the difference is so drastic (between LW and yourself). It was just as cold in your neck of the woods, if not colder. Are pellets only a small part of what you do?
Can't speak for Eric, but I can say that pellets are not nearly as common in NW OH as they are in other parts of the country. I know of two other people with pellet stoves. That's it. I had never even seen a stove before I bought mine. Everyone here heats with wood or bites the bullet on propane. Propane here is usually under $2.oo per gallon, so it's not as bad as elsewhere. My house consumes a lot of BTU, so pellets make sense for me. Smaller houses around here can do propane just fine.
The only brand I will sell, Pro Pellet. $250 per ton and or $5.25 per bag plus tax. I bought them from the same place I buy every year for the past seven years, The mill. Eric
That is awesome!!!!! I would love to increase my business to that level. What I get for living in the boondocks. Eric
We still are growing trees in the n/e of Ohio. A lot of wood burners with a few coal burners mixed in. LP is over $4 a gallon here for home delivery. Eric
those are good prices as well! We aren't getting enough out of our local sources, and have brought some in from Virginia....problem is that for the truckers there isn't a backhaul, so we basically have to pay for transport to here and back....about $85 per ton....yuck.....the Northeast is basically a consumption economy now.....
I pay a lot less in shipping but I am a five hour run from the mill and they are unloaded in twenty minutes and the driver grabs a back haul on his way back through Akron, Ohio. I use a dedicated shipping company that is AWESOME. I get the same driver 90% of the time and he is a true driver. Eric
sometimes we get a better deal when the beer haulers need a load, the only issue there is the pellets come in box trucks and the driver is SUPPOSED to tailgate the load with a pallet jack.....well, sometimes they don't want to.... (they are contracted to)....usually we prefer to get the loads on flatbeds.....20 mins is about right, depending on how far we have to truck them with the forklifts.......