Thinking this is Pig Nut Hickory. Cut about a truck load on the Wild Life Refuge. Permits are free. Will be going back for some Shagbark when this wet weather breaks.
Yes, yes it is---Have to love that-I will admit at first it looked more like white oak but the tell-tale round at bottom right peeking out pointing down looks like PN Hick to me for sure-the core color seals the deal-enjoy those BTU's man-It's legit
Looks like it from here. Make sure to save some for the smoker! Hickory is great for beef of any cut and pork ribs.
If the weather breaks this weekend Ill be getting on that Shagbark! Two large trees down on top of a downed white oak. Perfect set up. The refuge dosen't allow trucks off the roads so I'll be pushing a wheel barrow about a hundred feet. Well worth it. Pics coming soon if nobody beats me to it.
Got several loads of pecan last fall. I mix it with hickory. I make the neighborhood smell like a BBQ Restaurant. Now I need to go on a pig hunt. Ive got a tip on some wild pigs near by. Just got to make time for it.
I want to get me some hickory badly! Any kind. There's a ton of shagbark around my place, but none that have fallen. Patiently waiting.
I think you have Shagbark Hickory. This is a smaller tree that isn't all that shaggy. Pignut has a tighter bark with a diamond pattern similar to ash, at least that's what they look like around here.