Pulled the chain to shut off the ceiling fan. Ended up with chain in hand and no way to control it now. Called company and this model is no longer made so no parts available. Any ideas on fixing? You can see where the chain went in on the side. And here is the view where the chain went in. If you shake the part we can hear a rattle but can't see anything. One side of it. Bottom side.
yes Lowes, HD, you usually have to match up them up. Off, 3, 2, 1 off or off, on or off,1,2 you get the idea.
From my experience with devices like this you may get it apart but it seems like a 50% chance of going back together and working correctly. I probably would try to tear it apart. Nothing ventured right?
I replaced the chain on my ceiling fan last summer. matched up the number on Amaz*n. Very easy I see someone else beat me to it and supplied a link
Hopefully it is a simple fix, but I have run into an issue where the replacement hasn’t functioned as expected. I had to use a multi-meter to determine which wires were which speeds and then rewire accordingly. But hopefully you don’t run into that! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, that's no gooder.... I changed the switch in one for my MIL....turned out it was the start/run capacitor.... she continues to operate it, al beit at 1 speed.... slow.