See the attached photo A few notes - at the bottom the snow is partially hiding the final statement "When pigs fly" AEP is the local power company and Asplundh is a commercial tree service. I took this photo just South of Canton, Ohio on route 43. This sign has been up for years.
Exactly. I'd love to hear the whole story that would compel the home owner to post this sign in front of his home for years. I've considered stopping and asking him to tell the tale
I see a few trees around here and there that are left just like this one, for years and often just rotting and I always wondered why. Now I know, they too are victims of hackers and whackers.
Some people just like to whine and complain. I am betting 5 minutes spent with the homeowner will show that no matter what occurs in his life, it is someone else's problem and that they are the problem and not him. (This is not gender specific as the homeowner could very well be a woman too). I have lived here for 43 years and seen a lot of tree trimmers come by and Asplunt is one of the better ones. Big trees are just too big for them to chip, and they lack the equipment to move big stems. Here they fell and leave them to rot, not standing like this, but their job is NOT beautification, their job is to keep power flowing, and that means limbs and trees overhead and not down low. The ignorant part is, the sign is not even on the guys property, but due to right of way; probably belongs to the town/city.
I'm wondering how many folks would want that sign in their yard. It looks as bad or worse than the left over tree. Thinking about the trimming reminds me when the electric company came in and trimmed some of our trees. We had a row of scotch pine they trimmed....only on one side. Really made the trees look terrible. So, naturally, rather than complain, we just took the rest of the trees down.
They did that here. I told them to just get up in their bucket truck and push the tree over as I cut them at the stump. They refused to do it, but it would have been fine for me. I love the right place...under powerlines is NOT one of them. I agree too that the sign looks as unsightly as the tree stem that was left. If we ever crossed paths, the homeowner would have a different viewpoint after I left.
Maybe it's an elderly couple on a fixed income that can't do it themselves and can't afford to hire someone. The parties involved in leaving it should make it right. Small communities, word travels fast. Sounds like simple laziness, finish the job... Would you feel any different if you rolled up and it was an 85 yr old widow of a military vet?
No, not at all. When you make a sign and feel like voicing your opinion, you have to be willing to see the other point of view. This is a pure case of a passive-aggressive person who wants to voice how they feel, without actually having any contact. Should the homeowner actually call Asplunt (or the power company), they probably would have came back and cut the tree off. This is stupidity displayed!
I cannot and will not try to determine the issue of that particular homeowner. I cannot fathom why they left that portion standing, but I don't have all the details of the story either. But I can say that with Ashplundh I have no issues. I had a black walnut that was growing right under the power lines. They trimmed the branches back about a year after I purchased the place. It needed trimming again. I asked Jill to get hold of the elec company (Nat'l Grid) and ask them to just have it dropped rather than trimming. I asked for it to be cut and dropped where it was, and they did a great job of it. I could have probably had the stump ground had I asked, but it isn't/wasn't a concern for me. Now I have some lovely BW boards air drying. Chaz
I'm curious about what looks like guy wire up to the chimney. Or maybe lightning ground. If I'm seeing that right I could believe the rest of the tree is still serving a purpose. I see a lot of that where most of tree is left after a "Blue Sky" campaign because it serves a structural purpose.
I think it's just a new shoot growing up, but it also looks like there is some wire just below that shoot on the right side, maybe.