Discussion in 'Everything Else (off topic)' started by Jack Straw, Feb 4, 2018.
I Just hope we don’t ruin the game for you members in other time zones.
My Buffalo Dip just got done....Beer is cold... I'm ready....
I was fed and I have my pj’s on!
Patriots won the coin toss... and kicked off.... Good game so far....
3-0 ... Field Goal Eagles....
3-3 tie game... Brady doing what Brady does best....
Came on at 4:30 here.
Nice TD pass philly
Touchdown...Eagles....Nice Run and then a great pass.... 9-3.... Miss PAT....
Throw screens? Lol
Whats with the all the midgets in the commercials?lol #shortlivesmatter
Nice High hurdle.......
Missed Field Goal for Patriots....
LoL.... Fire & Ice...
Ooooooooooh laid him out
Nap time...
Nice catch tom
Brady missed the catch... he needs to stay a Quarterback looks like...
Eagles.... Touchdown...