Nice weather keeps getting pushed further down the line, so maybe nice in 10 days. Poplar n furnace oil today.
Same here, but we notice when the sun is out as it has a little kick to it now. You know, two more months and it'll be a whole new ball game! Things are looking pretty good, no?
yooperdave, life's good we are warm, we got electricity and 2 maybe a Lil less, more years of wood out back stacked. Drive is getting less icy so I'm
Snowing and blowing here. 14 degrees. Burning a mix of sugar maple, silver maple and... Osage Orange. Was pretty surprised to find that in the rack today. Don't remember splitting any.
AlmostNeverAccuweather is now counting how many times I access their site due to my adblocker. Considering they want to slam me with 31 ads I should make it a lot easier for them and delete the bookmark. Temp rising and now 41ºF outside and raining a mix of red and white oak keeping things warm and dry
A hundred or so miles west, 29 with some gentle snow falling. Red maple still chasing the icicles. Not cold enough to stop me from sitting out in the garage to enjoy a couple adult beverages and fine Dominican tobacco while watching the smoker. Three and a half hours till kick off! GO PATS!
About 8” today 19f outside 71f inside Just cleared half the neighbor hood. It was green grass yesterday and now I’m a popsicle! Needed that dry cold air seems o have helped a bit!
Temps goin up.....hung around 27* all day.....5" snow..turned to sleet then rain....roads are pretty slippery. Got a little ash...oak...locust...equal comfy. Go EAGLES....E-A-G-L-E-S.....EAGLES but....I'm a STEELERS FAN
Was like 50 yesterday and it's 45 now. Was in the mid 30s this morning and we got lots of rain. back yard standing in water. Got some uglies in the stove. Red oak I think they are, pretty sure there red not white. But I didn't look that close. I'm here and wanted to get them burned up while I'm here and don't need a ton of heat
Currently 12°F here in St. Louis, feels like 4°F. Burning some 4 year white oak. Wood is still solid as a rock.
where'd you get the osage? I've never seen any in the woods. 1 guy I work with knows of 1 Osage tree in the southern area of my range. Get into Illinois, and it's much more prevalent.
Loaded the garage today with some wood so I didnt have to go outside digging for it. This is a mix of lodgepole pine, doug fir, larch and a sprinkling of sub alpine fir. Sub alpine fir sounds exotic but its real low btu stuff but since I have it I might as well burn it! My pooch was happy to be with me and the kids while we did our thing. I had her pose in front of the garage wood and as you can see she looks unimpressed with being told to stay. Currently its -9c/15f and snowing and Im waiting for the coals to burn down so I can do my overnight burn.
Permafrost is quite a thing. Its by and large completely through our region and all the way to the Pole. Tom is fortunate in that Tok sits on a huge gravel moraine. It is what's called (Thaw Stabil) as opposed to Glennallen which mostly sits on top of frozen muck that is NOT thaw stable!! So where I live things move around quite a bit. This cabin needs to be releveled a few times each summer. In the spring the front door won't latch. I used to adjust the strike plate. Now I just crawl under the cabin with a Jack and some shims. Just when we get used to where all the frost heaves are along the highway, new ones raise up or droop down. Some places are really HORRIBLE. Like from mile 37 to mile 50 on the Tok Cutoff. It's in the best spots 45 mph and depending on my load and time of year, 25-30 mph.
Who won ? Currently -36°F after a high of around -20 . Cleaned about 3 gal of ash out of the stove this afternoon . Stove is closed down for the night with a load of poplar and a split of cottonwood. Am very glad I got 2 more pad heaters and a trickle charger mounted on the van yesterday. Now I have a frost plug heater on each side of the block , 150 watt oil pan heater, 150 watt tranny pan heater and a 1.5 amp trickle charger on the battery. This morning at 40 below ambient the van started Much nicer. Now all I need is a 50 watt on the power steering pump.