With this roller coaster winter, I've got a couple days this season that I had to let the stove go cold. When it's 50 or 60° I don't want or need a fire.
Eh I’m often away from my stove a lot but if I started a fire in the morning and left and it was burning when I got home I’d be surprised. Warm stove but the coals are not much unless I really filled it but I don’t do that when I go to work. Couple splits about half hour before I go , go in and then I just turn it down and go. At least it does work while I am gone, keeps drying out things.
With wood I might have gone a day or so without rekindling a fire, but with coal it does good up to 4 days before it seems to go out. In that case just needing a good cleanout and before starting over. Thankfully my propane boiler goes out A LOT!
No relights in December or January. Only a few in November. I'd just be guessing at 60+. Been too long! The IS always has coals left after 14 hours. I do about twelve hour reloads
Because of a couple of short periods with warm temperatures, we did let the stove go out but don't think we ever let it go out for 24 hours. Other than that, the stove has been going steady since around November 12, if I remember right. That would give us 85 days. That is about normal for around here. Many more days to go yet. Perhaps if I remember, next winter I'll keep track of how many days the stove has ran; just out of curiosity.
Ditto! Never goes out I just turn the air and flue to almost closed and can crack them wide open 24 hours later to start a new fire. Maybe just a piece or 2 of lathe kindling to get the load re-lit. It probably hasn't actually gone out more than twice since early October. Once because I was out of town.
24-7 November 20 through December 21, some days with a couple windows open! Then we were gone until Dec 31 so no fire for 10 days. Then 24-7 Dec. 31 through today. Buck 80 Catalyst equipped insert.
Except for the clean-out in January its been running since September I think? As usual I didn't write it down on the calendar.
Maybe 5 days.... but with the pellet stove up and running, far fewer fires in the wood stove this season.
Our weather pretty much dictates that I "could" run it from about start of November to mid-late March, but I clean the stack often, so she'll never run more than say 6-8 weeks straight. There's a how often do you clean your stove glass post somewhere I started last year I think. I limp the stove along if I'm around when we get warmer days (apparently not this year though!) by letting the dogs out and letting a bunch of fresh air in. Also known as hold the door open with a boot for a few minutes It was only last year I truly started figuring the long burn/square wood magic.
I'm in the same boat as Horkn. Temperature in January was so warm at times we had no fire for days straight. Thankfully Winter showed up for work yesterday and gave us a proper snowstorm. Still snowing and blowing today, with more coming. Should have reloaded the garage bin yesterday
When we moved here the winter 2013/2014 we were below zero for weeks at a time one after the other, we had two wood stoves then and no furnace, I'm guessing weeks straight. Put it this way, we had ~6 cords in Oct, and had to buy more in Feb. Both were very big fire boxes. We got SOOO lucky, I had no idea how bad one of the chimneys was, and that the place I called to have it cleaned and inspected just knocked the ash/creosote chunks down and they remained there sitting on top of the slammer installation.
I've let the IS go cold a few time due to warmth and, on occasion, laziness. I can go 26+ hours and still do a warm restart. Amazing how fast 4 year old mulberry takes off. About 6 minutes from first picture to last. Cookie is about 17" and just made it through the door.