Ok so 24 hrs. Later I'll rate the Cubex at 4.5 stars . construction , appearance and smell of these pellets are appealing . Burn is very hot with low ash especially for a hardwood . Fines and dust unnoticeable .Heat on Med . 305 from vents , High 380 from vents , price $ 6 a bag $ 279 a ton . Here's a few pics for your opinion on ash volume after 2 bags .
I like the Cubex when I can get them. Some people don't find they do well in their stoves, so I'm glad they performed well for you!
I've been burning my inside remainder of Spruce Pointe's and no heat like I was getting with the Lacrete's. Emptied the hopper and put the Lacrete's in and voila, instant heat Calling for a cold night and I had to do the switch I had good heat with the Spruce Pointe's early in the heating season but something went WackoMaybe sitting on the basement ceramic tiles did something Tomorrow if time permits, I'll be bringing in the Eagle Valley's from the outside storage shed and make room for the recent purchase of Lacrete's
I went through a bag o pellets in about 12 hours. Downstairs was 10 degrees lower than upper. Now I have switched over to wood burning and it's 75 degrees in here. Crap. It's 47 outside at 2:00 a.m. It's actually supposed to slightly warm up this week. Probably more wood fires.
Eagle Valley's digging out ain't gonna happen, chit load of Lacrete's on top(3 rows of Eagle's versus 12 rows of Lacrete's) Cubex's has been buried behind the new batch of Lacrete's, that's not gonna happen either Lacrete's in the van versus Logik-ê in storage, me says Lacrete's
Right on Russell ! I am actually burning them again instead of the North Country's for the next week now as I have been toasting softies for the last month and have a good idea of what they will do and want to remember in comparison of what the Northern Max will do . So far with last night and today heck I am seriously impressed as I was very surprised as how my ash catcher was dang near full after burning NC all week. In the spring I grab them for $229 a ton which I am thinking I will do again this spring with at least 10 ton . Thought it would be worth it last year as I would have to do a little bit more cleaning but come to find out it may not be any worse then burning some softies and the ash volume . The only annoyance for me with them is they create a heavier ash than softies and for us Harman users that means a 70's pron style mustache on the burn pot which definitely gets to my OCD a tad more than softies . Cheers
I'm guessing that they need to make adjustments to their stove as they are some of the most consistent in regards to quality as any pellet I have purchased. I would find it hard to believe that any stove would not toast them nicely if they were in fact adjusted to burn these pellets. I have toasted them in the Pelpro drop pellet and my brother as well in his drop pellet stove and they performed exceptionally well with a slight adjustment in trim.
well lets see got a mixture of Big Heat, Green Team and AWF hardwoods currently burning with 2 bags of Hamers in the bin next to the stove to go in next. That will take me until Friday then probably some nature's own will be next
I burned 3 tons in 2012 and they were the worst pellet I had ever burned.From what I understand that was a bad year for Cubex.Figures.I would give them a shot again but I wouldn't buy 3 tons.Maybe try a few bags this time.See,I'm getting smarter.
He's referring to his previous stove the Pelpro My Accentra would have a left hand turd hanging over the burnpot roasting them Cubex
I've known people with P-series Harman's to not like them. And I'm not talking about people that have no clue on how to keep their stove clean and running happily. A lot of times those people burn DF's on a regular basis. I've burned highly thought of DF's and wasn't impressed (ash wise) so it goes both ways. People with the same stove can get different results.
I was referring to my Pelpro Sub, it has a trim adjustment and before I retired it they burned like a champ in it. When was the last time you tried them Sub as Pellethound mentioned they had a bad run of them a few years back but since then they have been stellar. In my main stove now with 24 NC and same LaCretes sitting in the basement. I have heard reports actually when i grabbed the NC's from the dealer up the road who have had a terrible time with them, just hard for me to understand as I will have toasted 7 tons this year without a problem and after toasting softies a while I now really appreciate them as they are producing half the ash as the NC. It does get kind of boring burning the same pellet all the time which has led me to get some softies for the last 2 years and actually I will probably do it again next year unless i decide to grab the whole lot in the spring of Northern Max at $229 a ton. They do produce a heavier ash which annoys me as probably the only thing I don't like about the Harmans is the dang Mustache left in the burnpot and it is worse with Northern Max than a premium softie.
Soooo, been burning the 802's now for a few weeks straight and in the past 3 days have had the same issue as my neighbor had with them. Stove has gone out with pellets left in the hopper twice in 3 days. This evening came home to a dead stove and a good 15 lbs left. Time to empty the hopper and hit it with graphite after I pick up more of it. The 802's have high heat and low ash but I am getting far more carbon buildup in the pot and the pellets do have a "drag" feel to them. Not moist but not as slick as most others. No deal breaker, just need to do some maintenance to the hopper walls and burnpot.
I assumed you were, just messing with you. It has been a while since I burned the Cubex and it may have been back when they weren't up to par. That was the only pure hardwood I've burned. I like the way softwoods and blends burn in my stove, so that's all I buy.
I am beginning to think it does make a big difference in the stove's we run. I've had nothing but EXCEPTIONAL experience with Sierra or Olympus pellets with low ash and little carbon build up in my Harman. But my close friend who has an old school Quadra-Fire says the Sierras leave a lot of clinkers in his pot while the Bear Mountains do not. My experience is on the flip side. So... I guess the message here is buy the stuff that burns best in your stove -- at the lowest price -- and call it good.
Spot on dotman! I was a little hesitant on getting the 802's because when I tried Vermont many years ago they left a sticky residue in the firebox that was difficult to clean after. A friend had the same issue with an XXV. Being that we both bought our test bags from the same pallet I thought it may have been a batch issue. Like the 802's the heat and ash were really good from Vermont, it was just the aftermath. 802's being similar to Vermont gave me something to think about. With the 802's at 225/ton I couldnt pass them up and really glad I did buy them. I am not getting clinkers, just the regular carbon buildup that Harman is known for-just much thicker than any other pellet. Overall the 802's are great in the P68 but if they were at their regular price, LaCrete beats them easily.