I'm tracking about where I need to. 3-3.5 cords for the heating season. Just the woodstove heating and 1800sqft house. I'd say I've burned almost 2 cord, mostly oak and bl. Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
Spent 3 years calculating wood consumption prior to building my shed. Each bay holds 5 rows, calculated “perfectly” to last a season.been burning since oct and we have about 2 months burning left and I’m only 3/4’s through the second row. That’s right I’ve burned just over 1 cord half way through winter. We are 100% wood heat here. Not a furnace in sight. This winters been colder than a witches...well you know. I don’t get it.
I can relate to not being able to afford to heat the place. Getting older and don't know how long I can keep up with CSS. Thinking I have to sell the place or do some up grading on insulation. Probably the later.
I normally burn 3 cord per year. Last year I burned 2.5 cord. This year I will probably burn 4 cord. I've burned about 2.5 cord already this winter.
7 cord down & it's Jan 31 OUCH! Supposed to get cold again & stay "below normal" till April. I'm bettin I blow through another 5 cord easy if they're right. Good news is I have the wood, bad news is I'm sitting on 15 cord of Oak that will be marginal for next season. I'm gonna have to cut a boatload of Ash & Elm this winter/spring to have a good supply for next winter, assuming it's another cold one. I've enjoyed the warmer temps, but looks like they're leaving.
This is are 1st year burning....with my calculation...we have burned about 1.5 cords. We have plenty of 3 year old black locust n red oak. We bought that from a guy who was sellin his house and he didn't want to leave there cause the people that bought was nit-picking him to death. He ended up sellin it to us for 200.00....couldn't pass it up even know we had to travel 45 miles to get it. Have about .5 cord of locust,red oak,red maple seasoned from another scrounge. Workin on the 3 year plan so we should have enough for next year....definetly the follwing year. We filled the fuel tank in may of 17...checked last week n it was a hair under 3/4. When we filled it ....fuel oil was 1.75 a gal. n now its 2.87.....well definetly wait till summer or wait till it comes down a descent amount.
My House is a two floors and was built early 1800's dirt floor and laid up stone foundation 2500sf of heated living area and DHW . I used to burn thru 10 - 12 cord all hardwood a year with my CB CL-40 then I had insulation blown into the attic and replaced some windows also went around foundation inside and plugged all the drafty spots with Roxol insulation. Last season went thru 8 cord it was a mild winter. It has made a difference as the house feels warmer and less drafty and wood consumption seemed to be down until the two week cold snap. Time will tell so far this season I have used 4.5 cord.
I went through quite a bit of wood the past month, no doubt. Compared to this time last season, when I didn't even fire the 2nd stove hardly at all. I've got plenty on hand, though.....
We have rolled through about 3.5 cord so far. Have 2.5 for the remainder of the season. I think we are good. We had 4.5-5 last year and came up a bit shy. It was warmer last year but the Wood was not ideally seasoned. Time will tell.
When we remodeled our house, the outsode-facing ceilings received a total of R49, walls received R19. Wow, what an amazing difference!!