Well they said the low would be 9 , it's 2 now hickory oak and a chunk of ash choocnin in the stove Warming up some after tonight
The Cold Avenger Balaclava does. The face mask covers most of my ears . it is just right when I wear my beaver , ( mushers/trappers) style hat. I like the Cold Avenger because ( one reason anyway) it doesn't freeze to my beard and stash. . instead, it will grow an ice horn out the bottom vents 19°F. Poplar puttering along.
I also wear/have multiple head coverings. There is not a one that meets all needs. For bitter cold, low to no work Cabelas outfitter, looks like a balaclava, but it is 3/8 to 1/2 thick, flex's and adjusts. For working I wear a thin Mountain Hard Gear--Airshield Elite, it does not freeze hard as it has breathing holes and dries quick. I also use a variety of neck gaiters, with different length, materials and thickness, as well as knit hats. Down to Smartwool merino balaclavas I would imaging that there at least 30+ different pieces that I have in my small action packer that I keep in my truck. When it come down to it you really need a wide variety to meet cold weather needs.
31F still here. Let the stove burn out last night, it was 77F in the house when I went to bed. Cleaned out the staples and nails from the stove this morning, and have a light load of pine and oak coming to life.
Still burning last night's load. Bit it's SNOWING here! It's 33 according to my phone. It's stuck on roofs and surfaces so far
Inch of snow overnight, still falling. 27*. Stove getting the day off probably; wife planning to try a drive to NJ.
I feel for all you blokes up in the northern hemisphere. It's 58F outside here at midnight and dead calm, 75 inside with windows and doors wide open trying to cool the house down before the sun rises again. Forecast to be 99F today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Went to 0 °F overnight, 6 °F now, 79 °F inside, another load of hickory, oak and a chunk of ash choocnin in the Republic .
went to 32ºF overnight, currently 33ºF 73ºF inside burning the red oak snowing despite the rain forecast but the rain is not far away and getting ever closer