So saturday was just how i like it, no work just cutting some trees. No Bears or any Moose Bull around, so i just had to worry about the ditch filled with water. Just deep enough to fill my boots and getting a safe stand was bit trouble too. This Maple was the big yin of the day, the diameter at the bottom was a feet+ but still no match for the ole Dolmar. I took a Sappie, you would call it Pickaroon, to pull this SOB out of the ditch. It safed my day, took me a few minutes but finally got it out there. The weight must have been more than 120lbs*, as i had problems to lift it up - so i just dragged it down the way towards the stack. *Edit - even a 120lbs shouldnt be a match for me, it was just heavy as .... I had it in the workshop for some years never used it... well thats about to change. Its close to 4 feet long, i really liked using it. So did my back i reckon. My Redhead in action, just used her for the bigger ones... what a beauty. I called it a day soon after that. The only annoying thing was that i overcut an Ash... a little hasty i reckon. Got her down safe...but still should have known better. As i was making a small job more risky than needed... I dont think im over it yet
I think we can both say we're lucky in our own way and im sure we do both appreciate what we got. 6.5 sounds tempting...
Well, they're learning about geography at the same time. Kardashians obviously come from Kardashia - like Albanians come from Albania, and Hungarians come from, um ... Hungaria.
I notice that even in your "uglies" bin (the circular thing made with concrete reinforcing wire) you have stacked in some sort of methodical pattern. I wish I had done so in my IBC cages. I placed a few pieces carefully at the bottom to avoid blocking the drain holes but then I just tossed the splits in any which way, and now I realize I don't have very good ventilation to the centre of the mass. I should have "stacked" within the bin, at least front and back, then the really unstackable bits could be thrown in the middle. Well, live and learn - next year I'll do better.
Yeah, its half stackin/half flingin - the outerbit is more stacked for the looks, pressure aint goin sideways and all the flung in ones cannae escape it. Sometimes i correct the flung in ones in the center a wee bit to make sure theres enuff air. Next time buddy! Ill also put a pallet into my IBC's - check out how leoht made a roof for his ones. Ill gonna do that with my next ones too.
I wish. Without the internal tank I got them for the equivalent of about $15 USD each but with it they are around $70 USD. So tin tops or old tarps are a more cost effective option. But if I ever see one for a reasonable price I'll be all over it.
Sounds like a new one. used ones are here around 30$ and a new one is more like 70-80 bucks. If you wanna buy just one 30 bucks aint much, i need at least 6 of them .... make it 10 and thats not even enuff. Dont you guys got something like Gumtree or Craiglist downthere? I just found the aussie gumtree site, i reckon that wont help you much. You should be able to find summin on there on the Kiwi version.
I spent some time in southern Germany, I never once felt overcrowded... There were a few old streets in gengenbach that felt like an elf village but the overall charm and character more than made up for it
Does anyone use Craigslist by u? For awhile I was on the search for an uber weird Frenchy 2CV. I could have picked one up in Offenburg for a couple hundred euros, and I have wanted that weird azz little car ever since.
There are places which are just fine i reckon - some others are the exact opposite. Me used to live in the big city for 10years, i still work there but never could move back... to much goin on there. I live at the edge of, what we call a mid town (still a city for you), behind my house theres just countryside. The Farm where Maw used to send me to buy milk - is still up and runnin (10min walk away). Theres lots more houses than in my childhood and it aint gettin less. Id tried to point out that i appreciate the space/room/open range - you guys got overthere, i really do. Its Ebay Kleinanzeigen around here, bought a saw on it a while ago... not bad at all. Got to love the online fleamarket (Flohmarkt)
I had a look out of curiosity, and this ad caught my eye. With this logo: I have no idea what the text says, but a logo with crossed meat cleaver and wrench (dripping with something?) over the top of a car has got to be an interesting business. Perhaps we could have a new competition to guess what it is (German speakers disqualified). My guess: It's a loan shark collection business. You don't pay and he drives over to your place and uses the meat cleaver and goes to work on your nuts with the wrench. I don't like to think what's dripping off it.
Kraftfahrzeug(Cars) Technik(refering to engines and everything that comes with it) Mohnwitz (Name of the shop owner) Hahaa, they are selling used car parts but also offering rebuilding car engines and such. Dismantling an old car is called "ausschlachten" - a ruff translation is slaughtering and takin out. Like you would do a deer or cow...
Ebay... Not quite the same as a Craigslist, but I have used it to buy certain parts that I can't get here in the states for my mb. Mostly Europe only goodies...
I can't speak for Northern Germany but the population density in southern Germany is not all that different from any place in the US east of the Mississippi. West of the Mississippi is another matter entirely. Frankfurt for instance, it is a big, crowded city... But the overall feeling and crowding is no different from any big city here... It's a lot cleaner... And the population is a lot more polite, but the experience is the same. What you don't have is the huge suburban sprawl that we do. I kinda think that is a good thing.[/QUOTE]
Great photos HolsatiaRedneck I am definitely east of the Mississippi river, I got 22 acres my 2 farm neighbors got 1500 acres or more combined. Live 50k south of Montreal, hey most Americans can't find Vermont on a map either.