Just touched off some basswood and silver maple 67 in 23 out. Had a half hour of ice now snow and calling for 5-12 tonight. Had a little inside temp set back since someone burned dinner and had to open the windows....
Holy weather change Batman ! It was 60 deg here in the city with no pity at 10 this morning ... now it’s 22 and snowing like crazy ... looking at FEET of snow ... glad I stocked up with gear ! Baby-back ribs with 1 cup water ; 1 onion and garlic with cup of brown sugar and 1/2 bottle of “sweet baby Rays’ bbq sauce ... slow - cooked ... mmm mmm !!!!
Back to below zero for temps. And then there is the real feel temps. Was an all around cold day here. but it stopped snowing! -1 now with -15 feel.
You folks in the Midwest and Northeast are hearty folk. Only 49 degrees here. Sun is on its way this weekend
Right now it is 51 degrees with heavy rain. Nothing is running, my wood stove is off, my back up propane boiler is idled, but I will pay for it when the temp drops. My radiant floor always has a lag in time because it takes time for hundreds of cubic yards of mass to heat and cool off. Yesterday the snow was up to my waist and today the green grass is showing in 90% of the fields. I LOVE IT. It is okay to log in snow up to a my knees but over that and it gets just plain silly. It is also hard on equipment churning through that much snow too as it breaks axles and final drives.
Thanks! #1 is 16, so I hear you loud and clear. She has her teenager moments, but overall we are blessed. Hope the new one follows in her big sister's footsteps!
It was 68 yesterday and 64 this morning but temps started crashing around 11am. Started the stove on some SYP and tried switching over to the white oak stack from out front 3+yrs CSS but failed to top cover until this past summer - wont make that mistake again. Lots of punk loss as I move down through and several pieces half wet - burns like wet dung. Off to load the trailer with primo red oak temps, polar vortex 3.0 this week
20 out with fine snow, 71 in and 425 stove top coaling down on some silver maple and basswood. 15 hours ago it was 60 out with rain, 70 in and 70 stove top with ash of many splits settled in the stove.
3 below last I checked. Supposed to warm up some more. 0 would be nice . I need to process some wood and get it in the shed tomorrow. Poplar and white spruce in the stove.
56F & rain yesterday, aired out the shop & cleaned the furnace. 15F with a 0 windchill here now, due North wind. White Oak holding an even 72 inside. Very little snow, so I may have a shot at processing some more wood this weekend.
blowing snow and stuff wind here down to 68 in here about to fill up the stove with pin oak and maple.
Black walnut, basswood, oak, ash, maple and cherry in for the night. 71 in 18 out still fine snow blowing around
the county plow has made it up da hill with the ole v plow spreading sand it looked like a alien with those led spotlights and light bars the county garage fitted on it this year.