tropical heat wave here in kentucky 13* degrees heading to 41 today will be the first time above freezing in two weeks and im glad. currently burning green and seasoned poplar in the stove its 77 in here. i working on some coffee mixed with a few shots of early times whiskey i got a terrible chest cold right now.
Hope you feel better Jake. Dallas is @ -7.8* I am @ -15. On the midnight shift holding down the hatches.
If you start now, I will be off duty by the time you get here. I have a nice bottle of "46" Makers Mark hanging out waiting.
46 is smooth, I don't have much time to get to know it. I have been working on that bottle since '15. Another decade it will be real smooth. I retire in '28 wont surprise me if I still have that same bottle. Have a bottle of scotch from my wedding from '01.
Feel better man. Chicken noodle soup, NyQuil at night and DayQuil during the day seems to help me out.
While I am looking forward to retire, I am work happy. Been good to me, benefits, pay check, retirement, pension. Limited internet, not a issue.
Woodstove here- i definitely load it up more when the wind is blowing. Nice bed of coals this morning for an easy reload.
Should have looked at your sig line. How old is your Oakleaf? how do you like it? At one point I looked at the Mark III I like the shaker grate and ash pan.
The oakleaf is a few years old, it works great, but eventually it'll need a combustion package down the road. I tend to prefer simpler, less moving parts in a stove. It alone keeps the house at around 70° by morning with -20's outside.
Same here, like my non EPA Blasé King's. At some point they will need to be replaced. Hitzer's seem to be good stoves as well.
Waking up to -9°F. Coldest morning in many years. Had to leave the furnace on all night so we didn’t burst any pipes. It’s looking much better for next week.