0F yesterday morning (when the water meter in the cellar froze and split :-( ), 8F this morning. Loaded another trailer of wood yesterday and it looks like I will not have enough burnable wood to last this winter. I have enough firewood altogether but some of it was cut in the summer of 2017 and so will not be useful this winter. I may look into those compressed sawdust bricks, if there are any available and the price is not absolutely outrageous. Will also look for some seasoned wood later in the season but I expect the price to be through the roof with the winter we are having. I am just pouring through firewood! And there is a 'cold snap' coming later in the week with temps. in the -5F to -10F range, which is unusually cold for this area. Sheesh! Brian
Hahahahahahahahaha..... Oh man, my sides just split!!! That reminded me of my Corgi trying to P!$$ ice cubes!!! Hahahahahaha Oh my God, I'll have that vision all day!!!
It was 4 above when I went to bed at 11 pm last night. It's 35 above right now. Blowing gusts to 25 mph at the moment . I was supposed to drive to Anchorage this morning. 200+ mile drive to where I need to go in town.
Just checked 511.Alaska.gov It's 49 above F on the highway just north of Anchorage. Wet and slick. Yuk
Our weather finally broke.While hardy heading to the beach weather, it's pretty nice compared to the snap we were in. -14 C feels -20 C, or 6 F feels -4 F. Poplar chugging along. Maybe the icicles will fall off the chimney today.
That's a testimony to the duribility of a BK. That thing is how old and had 25 cords a year run through it!!!???
Ok I have been away a few days. Busy with my wife and son. She had tonsils removed last thursday. But looks like I have 12 pages or so I missed...so skipping foward to today. The cold has reached the south!! Was 11f here this morning. I have been kicking the stove in the but for about 48 hours trying to keep the house warm. Last night was a mix...mostly redoak, had about half an 8"round of locust in there and a few splits of white oak. Never could get stove room to 80 before bed. Sons bedroom was about 70 when went to sleep and 67 when I woke up. Mine was 64f, stove room was 74ish. Haven't been above freezing in overy a day according to TWC. But we're close today...30f right now. Still bummed over the terrible loss Alabama handed clemson last night.
Cold for around here. It went down to 12 with a windshield of 2. A little better this morning it's up to 20 windshield 15. The valves on my water barrels froze had to use my hair dryer to get the one by the cabin open. At least the one by the bathroom works it has a heat cord around the bottom.
Get some pallets, or see if there is a carpentry shop that will give you cut offs...I'm sure up there all cutoff are claimed fast if the shop themselves don't use them. Pallets have got a few people through bad winters. If needed start mixing a piece here n there with your wood when your home and it's not as badly cold. It will not be as bad as entire loads of wet wood
If I had my wood processed and in a woodshed by July . And didn't need to burn it until February or March. I would be smiling big and enjoying that ! If it was in a shed , split and stacked bark down . It should be nice and dry.
That is actually a very good idea because the wood I am burning is quite dry. A small percentage of 'not quite ready' wood, mixed in, would not be the worst thing in the world, especially when it is a little less horrendously cold than it is now. Thanks for that idea. Brian
Think its 24* out there today.... Went goose hunting yesterday and it was 10* when putting decoys out with -5* wind chill... Luckily the dude i hunted with has some coin, and has electric ran to the pit with space heaters hahahaha so it was kinda nice once we got settled in. I did some wood shuffling today, hands were hurting out there on the tractor. I brought a few splits of 2yr white oak in to test, and threw them in on coals a few minutes ago. They took right off and no sizzle/boiling on the ends. Will still leave them for next year when they'll be 3yr... Mainly brought in a bunch of 2yr red oak and holly. Should be enough for 2weeks... Oh, and put a pallet in the garage and put a good bit of those 2yr old red oak cookies too. Thats another week or so. This coming weekend is looking to be the worst yet... They need to move that mason dixon line a but further north so im not so close lol, its cold!!!
Amazing that it hit 20 degrees outside today. Yet, it is one of the coldest days! Wind 24 gusting to 32 makes a big difference.
a beautiful window solar day, ruined! thick hazy snow sun, darn. 18* and 10-15 mph wind, 9th day in a row deep below norm which is 37*max 24* lo
3F presently here. I had to move my beer from the back porch to the back porch refrigerator to keep it from freezing. Been burning oak (red and white) and honey locus with a little ash mixed in. Finally relented and turned the baseboard on at 50 for the night. Stove barely keeping up.
Yes but your cutting spruce, fir, or larch or something...often dead, maybe birtch. Eastern hardwoods are much MUCH slower to dry. Even dead oak cut and split in July will sizzle like a wet sponge when thrown into the stove on February.
Current temp brr Tonight’s low more Brrish Still burnin walnut but I mixed some Oak in for good measure. Feels good to sit!
Not quite the warm up I was hoping for in the next couple weeks, but better than that chill we got stuck in. -15 c feels -20 c or 5 f feels -4 f at the moment. Stove throwing heat and that's what matters. My chimney icicles fell off in 2 pieces with two big bangs finally.