Looks festive FatBoy85 it’s -1c and snowing on pender island as well and I get to play with an osburn while I’m here. Teaching family how to run a stove. It’s -23c back home in the Rockies. They pay $400 a month in electric to heat this house! Want to do some wood burning to cut down costs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wind is blowing and snow is falling like crazy. Large Ash splits were in boiler overnight and now large Pine splits are taking off.
25 in the city with no pity and the Lake Erie snow machine is firing up again ! Talking 3ft + of snow !!! Merry Christmas!
Randoms of walnut, ash, elm and not sure what the other was. Some Oak is getting brought up this morning to be mixed in it’s gonna be down right bitter cold after today!
The 3 sided log , house I live in . I rent. Has about an R value of 6. 1 R value per inch of conifer softwood. Many of the logs are only 6" on their mating surface . and in a few places I can look thru a gap here and there and see outside. A bit. Fortunately its only about 500 sq ft. Last I looked it was 27 below again , poplar fire is puttering along and the Toyo OM 22 is taking up some of the slack. There's what is Awesome best , and what can be learned to work fine. Y'all got the former, we've learned the latter. When I build our home , it will be built right and will be much easier to heat.
Merry Christmas All! Sitting at -3 at the moment. Thats our predicted high for the day! The Ideal Steel is going to really stretch its legs in this cold snap: House is currently at 70 and getting ready to reload before the kiddos spring to life and mayhem of flying wrapping paper starts. Family is coming over around noon for an appetizer grazing kinda afternoon so gotta get all that started too!
I'm going to sleep now. When I get up it'll be Christmas . I feel like a kid. I get a new gun for Christmas ;-)
When I was out with my wife picking up a gift card at Dunking Donuts yesterday I lobbied that we should do some shopping at the gun shop across the street. Guess I should stick to sales and not lobbying though. Currently 23F with steady snow falling. Have a load of black locust pooping and sparking away on a relight. Temps are supposed to fall through the morning, but then rise up to 30 before the big freeze pushes in tonight. Merry Christmas everyone!
It was 18 when I got up @ 0430, the house was still warm from last nights fire. Snowing pretty good around these parts and the subzero temps are coming. So with that in mind, the stove is cooling down and letting the coals die out for an ash cleanout this PM. I want a good clean stove for all the wood we are gonna push through it in the coming week of below zero. Merry Christmas fellow hoarders!!
Weather channel showed -5 with a feel of -28! and as others have already mentioned, we are at today's high temp once again. It was snowing last night and as I fired up the OWB I shoveled the deck off with about 3-4 inches. I have not looked out yet to see just how much more came down...not looking forward to shoveling in -30 feel stuff! Tomorrow will be the bottom of the cold temps.
Just peeked outside and it appears that the snow stopped shortly after I came in form shoveling the deck and firing the OWB last night. Good, that'll cut my shoveling time down by about 1/3!
Merry White Christmas! A chit-ton of snow falling, up to 14"+ expected, wind will pickup @ 40+mph, then the extreme cold moves in. We love every moment of it!