Sitting at about 20 F I was out early and snowblowed everything before the freezing rain gets here, suppose to start around 9am and go all day....
44 out, 74 in.....light rain out today until evening then the temps fall and hopefully turn to snow. Burning a few coals now and then I will put a few small splits of something or another. Maybe cut up an old tire to burn or something...
We're at 25° and freezing's supposed to get above freezing and switch over to plain rain around noon. We're waiting to do the driveway until then. Burning maple, saving any oak in the house for tonight.
jack frost is making his way to the Dakotas its 6 out and I loaded ash up before I headed off to work today 75f in the house
31*freezing rain at Taunton 9AM, 68* burning a couple Fiber Fuel brick at a time. afraid to go out as it is a rink out there
Temps in the mid 30's but falling all day. Ash and cherry hearing the house now. Mulberry had the overnight duty.
It is 30F here and has been raining, and everything outside is covered in ice. Including my driveway, which is crushed stone! On the way out the door, I salted the entrance way and sidewalk, which was like a skating rink, but after taking three or four steps into the driveway, the world rotated on me and gravity had its way with me. Not good. After that, I must have looked like I was walking on eggs and honestly, I did not think I was going to make it to the car without falling down at least once, maybe a couple of times. Been here a lot of years and have never seen my driveway get slippery like this AM. Had a contractor on his way here at 10:00 AM and had to reschedule because honestly, we could NOT have walked around outside looking at anything. Brian
Ash is loaded, rain turning to sleet then snow, temps are falling and gonna be mid 20's to teens overnite. Be safe out there.
You Need a pair of Corks. Cork boots . Some places they call them Caulks. Lots cheaper and funner than falling down and getting hurt. . A pair of rubber corks like the LW brand that Madsen's sells. Or the Viking. Hoffman's in Idaho has a good selection of rubber corks also. . Around 28 below here last I checked. Poplar in the stove.
used manufacture a safety overshoe for Tingley rubber, lost it to Mexico(NAFTA) in the 90's. long since wore out expropriated samples??
Currently light snow and -18 c feels -28 C, or 0 F feels -18 F. And that's as warm as it's gonna get today. According to weather guessers, this is the nicest it'll be until after Jan. 2nd. It's all downhill from here. Poplar in the reactor.
I feel your pain Brian. Our dog wiped out two times in the driveway on her way out this morning. I felt bad so I went to call her over into the grass and I wiped out myself. It was shear ice out there earlier. Now with the rain it is shear ice with a rain covering, now isn’t that special. Weatherman says high of 50 later today. I’ll be happy to see the ice go away.
Earlier this winter we were discussing ice on roads and highways. Yesterday I got a couple pics to illustrate.
If you zoom up. You can see where they sacrificed the surface of the ice. I took these at 60 mph in the truck. The highway wasn't slippery . however when its 20 or more degrees colder . Its almost as sticky as asphalt. Corks.