I think BMW's are not fussy about oil, and in fact will run fine without any at all. But according to some stories I have heard, you can put one ounce of motor oil in the crankcase and ride all summer. Oh, wait, nope, I am thinking of a Blaze King. Sorry, wrong thread. Brian
Yep, nothing yet. 22.5W53 cold pressed blend of Walnuss/Haselnuss, straight from the Fatherland Bet you want to know what tires I use too
That's funny! I'm new to the old R12c and thinking if it ain't blowing some oil past the filler cap or smoking on start up,,,I need to add some oil!
ahh the walnut/ halzelnut mixture. In what ratio of hazel to walnut? Lol Tires, lemme guess? Sorta rhymes with "spƤtzle"? But not really.
Umm, that guy has a lot of skin in that game, and less skin on his body. That's why you wear gear. A jacket would have saved him a lot of pain.
Absolutely- dress for the slide not the ride. I even wear a day-glo construction workers vest over my leather jacket.
What was the cause do you think? Looks like maybe the front end unloaded?...to much weight in the rear?...front end suspension component failure?...slow leak in a tire that got to some critically low level?
It does plant a seed and riders should do their own research.......... I've never had it happen on any of the bikes I've owned and I've been riding for years......
I've experienced tank slappers, although no where near that severe. One factor can be geometry. You can raise the fork tubes in the clamps to quicken turning characteristics. That bike now has a damper on the steering to avoid it happening again. Not saying that's what happened to the cruiser guy. I'm one of those atgatt folks. I had a big off in 92. A lady in a Ford Probe made a left turn across our lane and my riding buddy hit her front quarter, kinda side of bike to side of car. His careening bike hit mine and... superman. I had gloves and a helmet, but not much more. The 2 bike lengths I had to react, slowed me enough I didn't hit my helmet to road till I relaxed looking up at the sky. Looked like I was seeing the sky from 20 feet behind the shield. Shock/adrenaline does weird things! So I know what rash feels like. Ever since then, everything has been covered.
Hard to say for sure...probably a combination of things. I'm not familiar enough with the HD line to say for sure what model that was, but it is a pretty big heavy bike and it looked like he was carrying some extra gear too...and some (most) of those cruisers are not know for stellar handling characteristics to begin with...its more important to "look cool" than handle well ...and some of them have frames and front suspension that has enough flex to have kind of a rubberband feel to it even normally. One things that is neglected on way too many bikes is the proper adjustment of the steering head bearings...this can/will cause the front end to start to wobble as soon as you let go of the bars...or in some cases even if you go one handed as the dude in the video was. Depending on the frame and front end geometry, some bikes are a lot more sensitive to this wobble than others...proper adjustment can prevent this and also helps prolong the bearing life too...you might be surprised how many bikes have a detent notch worn in the "straight ahead" position because the adjustment has been left loose long term and it allows enough movement for premature wear to start. If you take your bike to the dealer for a "full factory service", this is one of the things that is supposed to be checked and/or adjusted as needed...but many bikes never see a full service at a dealer. Personally, and this is just an educated guess, he hit an expansion joint in the highway, which got the bike all unsettled, then some/all the things I just mentioned, and the ones Dave mentioned above all came together in a "perfect storm" kind of way to ruin this guys day