Yes, we've had a couple of very warm winters here. I remember last year taking oak out of the barn and putting in back on top of the wood piles because it just was not needed. That may not happen this year.
I can and have become a wood snob the last few years. Due to my job I deal with quite a few loggers all over. I almost always can find one near my house that's in hardwood at some point . I swing by after they worked it up and get them to load my trailer of borrow a freinds dump truck. They load up the jump buts, splits, Crooked cut outs, and doaty centers that were butted off when cutting logs. Stuff that's too short and sometimes too big for pulp.
Up to 23F now. I'm "working" from home because my wife is sick. Been burning the last maple uglies on the porch before tomorrow's reloading. Been running the stove wide open all day.
19 here in the city with no pity ... red oak and sugar-maple ... house is a toasty (for me at least) 66 degrees !
I just came home from picking up my step daughter. 77 degrees on the first floor. Time to throttle back and crack the door
Local weather for here usually gets the recorded temp for the airport which is 6 or 7 miles away and usually a few degrees warmer. Airport recorded a low of 14ºF over nite but I saw 6ºF on the old mercury thermometer outside my north facing window at sunup. There's also someone a half mile away with a weather station that reports on wunderground and it was saying 6ºF also. So 6 degrees it was. Been out all day Christmas shopping and got back and pretty much had to do the 6AM routine with coals and pine at 3PM. I'm gonna run out of pine. I keep using it. ! 27ºF and a load of white oak and the house is pretty comfy considering we had an overnite burn twice today. ( stove room thermostat is set to 55ºF ) 65 and an almost out fire is pretty good for an addition on the north side of the house.
Sneak attack snow storm today... Wasnt supposed to get us but its really coming down. Got home to good enough coals and threw in a half load of maple to get going and turn it down.... Going to pick up my mom and take her put to dinner for her bday.. Problem is I took my employees out for a bug christmas lunch, ima explode at some point tonight i think lol.. More beech/maple overnight tonight. Curious if I will get enpugh snow to fire up the tractor and plow? That would be fun!
That like ice too me. If it's that cold I'm my house it's either a very cold night if my hall is down that low, if my stove room is that cold fire has been ot a day in cold weather.
I keep it between 58 at night and 65 during waking hours ... I have 2 stainless steel water tanks on top of the stove so the humidity stays at about 45-50 ... def not tee-shirt and shorts but I only burn about 6 face per year in a 1400sq ft + dwelling
I have my own weather station in my back yard as well. Its located 5 feet off the ground in a shady spot in my dogs kennel against some stacks. I find that the reported temperatures at the town weather station and what I experience in my yard are often off by 2-6c. Right now its off by 2c. I guess I dont really care what the temp in town is but care about what the air temp is where the dog sleeps and what the house is experiencing.
I just added a second water pot on top of the woodstove. I normally use one cast iron 'Dutch oven' that holds 3 quarts but lately that has not been enough. So out came the big pasta pot, filled about 3/4 of the way, along with the original 3 quart vessel. Will have to go a few days to find out if that is enough. If not, I am not out of room on top of the stove yet..... Brian
I usually go thru 2-3 gallons of water a day ... pretty much top the tanks off every 12 hrs unless I’m REALLY firing it hot !!!
19 here, but it's still, so it feels good. No wind sure makes it more pleasant to be outside. Three year css hardwood mix doing its thing for the overnight - just burned the chimney clean, which is fun to watch. Scary to think of it happening in a chimney attached to a house, though!
I use about 1.5 times that here in my home in SC a winter. I heat on most nights a little more space than that maybe 1600 to 1800 but warmer nights will heat up to almost 2500 ft. But I like it warmer than that . I like it warm and like shorts and t shirt even in winter
Thermometer shows 8, but it feels a lot colder. There is no wind right now, it just feels colder than what the temp is. Humidity must be low outside.....
It must be just me, but when humidity goes high it has a feeling of cold more than dry. I’ve worked up in the mountains before though, its cold either way but more of a shroud when moisture is involved. Anyways just my take. Its 41 here been raining a little. Chasing humidy and cold away after I did not relight the stove this morning.
I have a large stock pit on the stove, and a 3.5gal humidifier running on low. Keeps the house around 35% humidity