Yessir, speaking my language. We do the same and will throw in leftover pulled port or smoked chops also. I got 3 kids in hockey, damm they can eat.
That bottom chain, I have yet to get my teeth to look like that, I am getting there, thanks for the pics.
Hockey practice is a few hours, 5 days a week, rink is unheated, them kids come home tired and HUNGRY. They are 9, 7, 5. Mom got some pizza on the way home the other night they ate all but 3 pieces of YES 2 Large pizzas. I am in trouble.
I have me some loops of Oregon chain coming from Madsens. Nice folks to deal with, Jeff was his name. Hard to get business in the 48 to ship the post office for Alaska. They took care of me, I like them.
Thank you and good evening Mark. I will weigh them both and report back after I do it. It feels a lot better in the hands for sure.
Evening Jason, how's you? Coffee and slacking here. Took all the saws out of my truck and have nothing to play with.
What a pile of poo! I'm embarrassed to see this turd for sale at the shop. It was a repossession. Some of these bikes have quite a few pieces of plastic and getting it all back is like a puzzle. You have to put down that heifer?
Not yet. She seemed to hanging in there till yesterday. I'm afraid I'll have to make that decision soon.