Ive about had it with this stove. May be time for a new one just to keep my sanity intact. Ive ordered 2 auger motors so far and nothing. Am I doing something wrong? I connect the motor and test connectivity with a tester and it seems to be connected properly, however it does not spin or do anything.
Can it be the board not sending power to the auger motors? Is there a auger stop safety switch on the unit? Not familiar with your stove and hopefully someone will chime in soon
Yup, need to check for power out of the board to the auger mtr. Other than that, only things I know of that will shut the auger down are a vacuum switch or a lid switch.
Auger jammed? Also,depending on the version,it may have 2 snap switches and a vacuum switch inline.Breckwell P22 Owner's Manual (Page 13 of 13)
Took the motor out and it actually works when I plugged it on to a tester. it spins just fine. I have a feeling is one of the two fuses on the main board. Heading to Depot in the morning in search of the fuses. Will post an update.
Thanks Everyone. Turned out to be the fuse. Replaced both and she is once again humming. Since I had taken off the back and side panels, I took the time to give a thorough cleaning, including both fans and overall area. Took pipe out and cleaned it thoroughly and re-caulked all around.
I don't see one in the pic....maybe that's what blew the fuse....power surge. KatwillNY , was the stove unplugged since last heating season?
Have any of you guys heard of echogear surge protectors? Bought one on Black Friday from Amazon. $20 and it seems to have pretty good specs. Not that I know much about them.
Comes in real handy w/ all the different transformers that seem to want to occupy 3 sockets these days. This is the unit I've been using here & recommending/installing at client sites for awhile now - protection is excellent, kept all connected equipment a-ok w/ a 400' proximity lightning hit from the building earlier this summer: The (older) 2 plug Tripp Lite Isobar protecting equipment in the main electrical closet always protects excellent also.. Thinking about it now - that unit is 10 years old, it may be time for a replacement -> swap w/ another Tripp Lite Isobar unit.
Hey Imacman, yes, i have a surge protector on that stove. the picture above, I was still in the process of assessing that the motor was working properly. Yes, the stove was unplugged since last season.