Better, than yesterday, kicking the sinus cold. Have coffee and my new toy....alls good Hows you Dallas?
All of you know I am new to ported saws. Kevin has been awesome explaining what the 026 is like and what I need to do to keep here safe and sound. It was 23-25* today when I bucked a little wood. It burbled/four stroked as Kevin said it did there. He has told me to keep an eye on a few things, RPM, Oil burping out of the muffler. He has went above and beyond with this saw. I consider him a friend. I am going to take things slow and watch the temp, rpm, and make sure the saw is where she needs to be.
No surprise there. Glad ya found the right guy. Sometimes that's 7/8ths the battle. Been a few stinkers out there but they are usually exploited pretty quick. It's the humble type of fello I like the best. Someone who doesn't toot their own horn so to speak. You hit a homer. I'm doin' great, no jury duty tomorrow! I can sleep in. How's you?
Good news Jason. I could not be happier having the pleasure of dealing with Kevin. I can not say enough about the man. I am sure all of you already know that.
Evening Mike, all is well. Kicking the sinus cold. I am having fun with the 026. I now see why everyone has them.
Just talked to my local Stihl. He is going to grind me 2 loops of Square. His square grinder is the Zieglemier. He told me he has not used it in many years. Its in his old shop he moved over a decade ago. He also said he liked the Silvey more than this one.
All he can say is "yes" I am already at no. The way he was talking I may be able to talk him out of it. He told me the other day that no one has asked for square in many years. He has not bothered to move it in 10 years to the new shop. He seemed to like the Silvey more. I am thinking I have a shot.
If he'll grind stuff for ya, it'll be super easy to maintain with the double bevel. Then every couple sharpenings have him true it up. The conversion from round to square is real hard on files. If it's 4 digits +, it might not be worth it. Imagine how many saws you could get ported for that much coin?
He charges $12 per sharping round. And told me with Sq when he has to deal with the gullets it will be more.