How did Pinocchio discover he had a wooden .... ? His hand caught on fire ! Looks like that maple block has seen better days!
Yup ; knew ol ‘ bird legs would come ‘round sooner or later - haha ! Words of wisdom from Uncle Fabz : Be careful who you light a fire under , You may discover that your fanny is the one that gets charred ...
With a little “massaging” it should be a winner ... plus you won’t have to worry about the pin vibrating out of the piston and toasting your top-end !
I'm not quite sure Dall they said they'd call me when it arrived. I'm in PA & he told me it was coming out of CT. So I wouldn't think it would be to long.
Not sure with the new version. The heavier version is a better bucking & the 550 is better limbing. Of course they last longer. Their sitting on the shelf.