Smoked some beef and venison hamburger meat then mixed in some spaghetti sauce, garlic and other seasonings. I’ll let it simmer on the smoker for a couple of hours. I like the thick sauce over my spaghetti.
Ive seen smoked meatloaf recipes on line and also here and its got me curious. How long and at what temp do you smoke it at? Thanks.
It had a smoked flavor but not over powering. It got rave reviews from the people that ate it but in all fairness they were pretty hungry. Food always tastes great when your hungry.
Swags has all kinds of room in his smoker. I had to stuff mine sideways. I brined them overnight. I drained the cooler and seasoned three racks. The other three I’m going to try a maple syrup and horseradish sauce. Ill post updates
I "didn't" do 2 pizzas last nite on the Big Green Egg. (Didnt happen as no pics.) Sent from my P027 using Tapatalk
In the 8 years Ive had it, I havnt done pizza-dont know why though.... Firing up the BGE tonight for some boneless pork ribs and maybe some meatloaf stuffed portabellas. Ive got real mapple and some Dijon mustard. Maybe I'll shoot over and get some horseradish. These arent rack ribs for a low/slow but I till hit em with bbq sauce.
I reconfigured my ribs, once they are done I don’t mind if they touch. Otherwise, I want them separated. They are wrapped in foil now and resting in the cooler. They should be good to go in about an hour. The parts that fell off tasted great.