I am thankful for my wife (she bought these signs for the kitchen, she knows me well), thankful for my job, my warm home, my fur friends & family here at FHC just to name a few. Most importantly I am thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You ???
Every day we are blessed. Every day we should give thanks. Today is the day we give thanks for the harvest. Father, God. Thank You for all that you have given us. Thank you for providing us with all that we need. Thank you God, for bringing us together today with our families. Thank you, God, for the abundant food that you have given us to eat. Thank you for the comfort that only you can give.Thank you for everything you continue to do for us. And we are thankful for the Grace that only you can give us, though our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen
I read this in my daily reading and I wanted to share this with you. Thanksgiving points us to the good things we have. It lifts us above loss. It speaks to us of a God who meets our needs. It rejoices at the blessings that God has given. Thanksgiving is not merely a day: it's a state of mind. Thanksgiving is not a once-a-year event: it's a daily attitude. Simply practicing thanksgiving all day long makes a difference. An attitude of gratitude or thanksgiving transforms health-destroying stress to life-transforming joy. Written by Mark Finley