Mine is a corner install on north wall in living room. I would've put it more centered in the house if I had it to do again
I live in a trailer, so my room is limited, but i managed to put my lil boxstove right in the living room. It keeps the place warm.. i do have a fan blowing across the rear of stove down the hallway.
Forgot I posted here but not the stove of my own... Middle of my living room slash kitchen. Kitchen being on the other side.
Just a quick little hint Norman. If you do the opposite, that is, blow a fan from the hallway toward the stove room it will work much better. It sounds backwards but it works. You can even use a very small fan. Sit it on the floor and run it at it's lowest setting. That way the house won't be so drafty. But you will be surprised at how much more the far rooms will heat and do it quite rapidly. You may have to try different spots in the hallway to find the best spot but my guess is right at the start of the hallway should work good.