Here we go again. Losing power. Mahindra representative still has not contacted me. I've talked with dealer twice now about meeting with him and representative. He has said he is waiting for him to come up to this area. So I told him I need him to call the rep. and have him call me. I need to meet with him and the dealer. The second time I called him was today. About a week after the last time. Today I called because this was the first time I tried to do some real work with the tractor since they fixed the transmission a few weeks ago. Tractor started right up. Worked fine moving things around. Then I started dragging the York rake around the pasture to clean things up a bit and get rid of pine needles and manure. After about 20 minutes of doing this the hydraulic bogging down issue started again. No matter what I did I could not get it to stop doing it. So each time I put my foot down on forward or reverse pedal the tractor would "go limp" as another Mahindra tractor owner over on Tractorbynet called it. Or when I tried to lift a bucket of manure up to dump it where I wanted the same thing, bogging down. So I have talked with dealer about it on the phone and he says mechanic will be in my area on Wednesday. When do these problems occur? When your using the tractor of course. So I have three days off. It happens just a few hours into working with tractor on the first day. And now I have to wait until they fix it. More lost time for me. And there are only so many days off from real job. And only so many days before winter sets in hard. Last winter it did well moving snow. What will the tractor be like this winter when I'm relying on it to move snow?
That's a head scratcher Gas. I'm sure you & the dealer have checked hydro oil level, I'm sure heat was not an issue today. Has the hyd oil been changed yet? Is there a dipstick or some other way to look at the fluid for color? Is there a screen in there that can be inspected? Does the tractor have a "re-gen" mode for emissions? I believe some tractors "de-power" during re-gen, wonder if Mahindra does this through they hydro's as part of it and it's a computer problem. I am completely guessing here, but I sure hope it's tracked down real soon.
CBVT, what the h#ll happened to you man? I was just piecing through your posts to try to figgr it out?
in short windstorm 28th of November 80+ mph power back halloween, 12 hour later neutral got energized.. every light double bright bam.. main electrical shutoff caught fire.. put it out power company pulled meter.. need new service house to pole underground 350 feet new wire, shut off panel etc etc so starting 3rd week would power.. hey we arr warm and who doesn't like to shave and shower by candle light
on cell charged tablet in car on way to get parts gotta check FHC.. hey I generators to have some light freezers and coffee but WiFi is really spotty
I threw my razor in the trash 30 years ago. Go for it! Does the power co. have your back at least up to your house meter? Best wishes my friend!
nope but homeowners covering 1/2 going from 100 amp 20 breaker panel to 200 40 circuit panel.. would you trust 35 year old aluminum direct buried with no conduit within 10 feet of septic ... nope.. no power at pole but breaker that fried welded open was rated for 220000 volts.. so brand new pole to house... 2005 Kubota working good sorry for gasifier... Kubota been dead on reliable
Yeah Gas, sorry. I started it besides, you didn't answer me CBVT you spinning a pto generator with your 'bota?
heck nah ... Kubota in tree removal service... branches etc. . digging trenches, back filling.. you know tractor stuff.. house on 6k gas generator. .. well, hot water (oil burner), kitchen lights extension cords to coffee pot
Wow. Both Gasifier and Canadian border VT are having some big time problems. Many of us are surely hoping these problems get fixed really soon. Gas, I remember one time buying a new car and having problems that did not seem fixable so know what it is like and it surely is not fun. That stupid car would just suddenly decide to not run. Usually that would happen at the most unruly time, like pulling onto a highway at night, in a snowstorm but having it stall when you are blocking the lane and traffic coming fast at you. Never forget that one. CBVT what can be said for your problems? First all the medical stuff you've been going through and still more to go and then this. You need some smooth sailing to get you through this Holiday season for sure but mostly right now need some power to your home.