I have noticed that on the muffler that the inserts have been removed on the front face of the muffler that faces the log. What is the benefit to this mod?
I've read that most of the gains on a 261 come from a muffler mod. There is not much to gain from a port. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
If they aren't there, they fell out or just didn't get put back in. They're only there to keep crud from blocking access to the bolts
I agree ... $300+ For another 10-15% ? ... I switched my muffler modded 261c from 3/8 .05 to 3/8lp and run sqr/sqr ps63 and picked up 30% cutting speed over the 3/8 .05 ... that's 30% more wood for your time ; gas and bar oil ... figure it will pay for itself right quick ... now the 3/8lp might not last as long as the 3/8.05 but a couple strokes of the file and you're back in business!!!
If anyone's interested I have 16" 3/8 .05 and 16" .325 mint Stihl bars with mint chains ... I switched to 3/8lp on my 50cc and under saws and I have no need for them
Y'all are prolific typists . For the wood Rope is cutting , the Picco chain would work good. For the wood I cut , I wouldn't see as much gain because I mostly cut poplar . The feathers kinda grab the bar as it passes thru the cut and sticks it. Not as bad as cottonwood , but still enough to notice. For Arborists work in white spruce , I think the Picco would be Awesome. ! Some guys can't stand to run a stock saw. Some guys can't stand a factory chain. As I'm on my 143rd power head that I've owned and cut with. And I'm kinda broke down in the body. I take the view of , if it cuts , I'm happy. If it cuts GREAT , that's Awesome ! I'll reiterate that a great chain is the best thing in the world of chain saws !!!
Y'all are prolific typists ... lol ... it's kinda like bench racing except we are talking power-saws!
True. I had a 261 that had the squish tightened along with a muffler mod and a timing bump and you would be pressed to tell it from a full woods ported 261.
That's what I did with mine ... cut .018 of base for .020 squish ; advanced timing and muffler mod - ps63 chain she rips
The 026/260 and I magin the 261 are real good , long lasting saws. They never gave me the pizzaz of the 242 or 246 Husky. But , they lasted longer. Just a real good saw. I will say that they got as much work done by the end of the day as the Huskies. In reality a 3 cube saw will cut what a 3 cube saw will cut. Weather its an 031 from back when I was a teenager or a the most modern 50ish cc saw. The bar and chain and mostly how a guy sets up and does his work gets the most production. A hot saw being fun to run keeps things interesting. Its like the difference between 3/8s and 404 chain. Full skip 404 is OLD teck. But, I can consistently put up full skip 404 chain that will keep a guy smiling. And will help keep a guy from getting hung up. I used to be AMAZED by one cutting contractor I cut for and with on Prince of Wales. He almost looked kinda funny walking around in the timber. Kinda short and round. But the continuous stream of timber hitting the ground was almost unbelievable. A truly gifted timber faller. He never made a move that wasn't making him money with a saw.
Just for demonstration purposes ... if the Wood in the field is that size I'll use the 241c "mighty mite"
I am surprised how well an old 031 cuts. I thought since they were old they would be a dog but they cut very good. The downfall to them is their size and weight in comparison to a modern 50cc saw.