Morning from Brrrffalo. 18 here outside and 75 inside. Let the fire go out last night because the wife is worried it’s too chilly for the little guy upstairs, had to let the gas kick in. No matter what I can only get the upstairs to around 65, which I think is perfect for sleeping but selling it to wife is another story. Got up at 0500 and lit off a nice fire with all ash. Bella is enjoying it. And the little guy helping Dad get the fire going.
19ºF this AM, 71ºF inside, room above the stove been burning some 5 year old white oak. Will be burning swamp maple today.
Well, we had a fire yesterday, and got home late and the house was still warm, 60's. So, I just let it ride,. Cool temps for sleeping don't bother us. That 49 is now 65 and soon to be 80.
Welcome to the forum Scooter. For the most part we save our oak for the colder part of winter and then only at night. If we had more though...
Sound's like lot's on Maple going in the stoves today, I'm burning up all the uglies of Maple I had for the last 4 years. I could go a full month on uglies...
I chuckle when people post the outside temperature then report inside at 71 or 73 or somewhere like that. Okay, this morning is not so cold here at only 23 degrees outside and inside it is 80.
Woke up at 5am to 17° outside. The load of mulberry from last night was down to a nice layer of coal. Went outside and grabbed an assortment of maple, hickory and I don’t know what else, and put it in. Nice and warm still.
It was warmer in here this am, as the wife turned up the stat early this morning. I let it run about 3 cycles after I got up, then lit a fire. One thing I don't do in the winter is open windows. The walls are leaky enough.
One nice thing about kicking the stove in the pants a little bit is that the glass is now self- cleaning. I was cleaning the glass once a day before yesterday, and while the glass was black again yesterday afternoon, I just ignored it 'cause I knew it would 'magically' clean up and this morning it is as clear as..... well, glass. And for Dennis : it was 19F outside, ~90 on the living rm. thermostat (though that is a lie because it is w/in 6' of the woodstove and so always reads high), 66f in the kitchen and 52F in the laundry room. 'Course the laundry room has holes in it, ceiling and walls, that birds could fly through so I am thinking that may be some part of the problem..... Brian
Thanks Savage but Red and White Oak is all I have to burn. I have a small pile of Apple but it needs to be seasoned more.
"If your wife is fully dressed you need another log on the fire".........better make sure you call ahead before you stop at Backwoods Savage place