Who else takes vacation days to cut firewood? Tomorrow I'm going to cut this one up (saving the butt log)
Drives my wife crazy, but I’ve done it many times! Great way to spend a day away from work! LG Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Hey if your taking a day off to help keep your family warm when it’s cold, no one has anything to bitch about Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Many times. I sell wood, its nice to takepaid vacation and get paid selling wood. Makes for a happy family.
The job I had allowed me to go in to work in the morning and if it looked like it was going to be a good afternoon to do some work with wood, I would take the afternoon off and claim it as 4 hours of vacation.
If I'm on vacation I'm gone. Adios Amigos. If I'm home with some days off from work that's staycation time and could also be working on firewood.
I'm on a vacation day today, and I am currently laying on the couch. But tomorrow I'm going scrounging... Love your videos by the way, very nice property you have there.
I've taken several days off to cut wood. Much better than being stuck in some touristy area wasting time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i took the first week in December off to do work around the house, one of which is to arrange my wood pellets and cycle the older bags for earlier use.